Tags: web php 

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# Just Not My Type - Write up
This challenge give us a website to access and the source code as the following.

## Source Code :
<h1>I just don't think we're compatible</h1>

<form method="POST">
<input type="password" name="password">
<input type="submit">

## Analysis
Looking at the code, we can obviously see that we will get the flag when ` strcasecmp($password, $FLAG) == 0` . However, we don't know the `$FLAG` so we have to exploit the `strcasecmp` function somehow.
After doing some trial & error and some googling, I've learn that `strcasecmp(a,b)` will return `null` when either `a` or `b` is not string. In addition, `null` has the same numerical value as `0`. Since we use `==` operator instead of `===` here, then `null == 0`.

## Solution
Therefore, we can change the `$password` from our input in the payload of the POST request after we submitted a value like this (In this case, I used burpsuite to intercept and edit the payload),


You can substitute `hello` to anything, the point here is that we want to change `$password` to array instead of string so that `strcasecmp` function return `null` as we want to. Then the website will return the flag.

Flag :

Original writeup (https://github.com/kimmypracha/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/KillerQueen2021/JustNotMyType/writeup.md).