Rating: 5.0

# A Chest Full Of Cookies

## Description
> Only admin knows where he hides the flag. Connect at chall.ctf-ehcon.ml:32102

## Solution
After register and login to the application. I had a cookie name `isAdmin` with value based `base64`

Decode the value and get `false`. Okay it's quite clear, I base64 encode `true` and change my cookie. Reload the page and got nothing? Wut?
After a few times, I used `curl` to finish this challenge


Flag is : EHACON{y0u_@r3_@dm1n_n0w}

Original writeup (https://github.com/greybtw/write-up-CTF_2021/blob/master/eHaCON%20CTF%202K21/A%20Chest%20Full%20Of%20Cookies.md).