# Seeking the flag
by lrcashem
Rumors that the file may have information that you need
## Analysis
In this challenge we were given an ELF-64bit named `rev` with no canary, NX enabled, and PIE is also enabled.
rev: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2,BuildID[sha1]=f9e34699153b5af04e617da197bd0f0e7453b73c, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
[*] '/home/kali/Documents/ehcon/rev'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
Let's try to run it
$ ./rev
:( Try Again...
It seems that the program will not give any output. So, let's open the program using ida to see what the source code looks like.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 30h
mov [rbp+var_24], edi
mov [rbp+var_30], rsi
mov rax, 667B4E4F43414845h
mov rdx, 355F6E315F67406Ch
mov [rbp+var_20], rax
mov [rbp+var_18], rdx
mov rax, 7D35676E317274h
mov [rbp+var_10], rax
lea rdi, format ; ":( Try Again..."
mov eax, 0
call _printf
From this part, we can see that there is three hexadecimal numbers that is kinda odd. When I want to change the format by right clicking on the hexadecimal number, the number represent some sort of string.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 30h
mov [rbp+var_24], edi
mov [rbp+var_30], rsi
mov rax, 'f{NOCAHE'
mov rdx, '5_n1_g@l'
mov [rbp+var_20], rax
mov [rbp+var_18], rdx
mov rax, '}5gn1rt'
mov [rbp+var_10], rax
lea rdi, format ; ":( Try Again..."
mov eax, 0
call _printf
It seems that the flag is written and passed to a registry and the format of the flag is EHACON{some_string}. So we know that the string is reversed. Now we need to reversed it again. I'm going to use python for reversing the string.
a = "f{NOCAHE"
b = "5_n1_g@l"
c = "}5gn1rt"
print (a[::-1] + b[::-1] + c[::-1])
Now all we need to do is just press enter
flag: `EHACON{fl@g_1n_5tr1ng5}`