Tags: warmup crypto 


# Description

I've always wanted to visit my friend! He's not fluent in English, but he does know a few words. This made communicating a problem. We did, however, talk about each other a lot! He knows I'm allergic to dogs, and I know that his favourite colour is green! Before leaving for the airport, he left me a message. He's not much into technology so his crypted message really confused me! Can you tell me what he said?
Maui: mai hele mai i kēia lā aia nā ʻīlio
Challenge author: hofill

# Procedure:

From the description we get know that it is not related to cipher or other kinda stuff
I tried this with many ciphers but failed and finally saw the description says that **it is not related to Technology**

So I tried Google Translate Finally it belongs to Hawaiian Language.

# Flag:

**Hint** - TFCCTF{flag_with_underscores}


Original writeup (https://github.com/palanioffcl/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/TFCCTF/Holiday.md).