Tags: misc 

Rating: 4.0

# Description:

AAAAA. That's all

Challenge author: tomadimitrie

File: [AAAA](https://github.com/palanioffcl/CTF-Writeups/TFCCTF/Forensics/AAAA)

# Procedure:

Let's check the filetype using file command. It doesn't make sense let's go ahead by viewing the file there are some AAAAs on both top and bottom surrounded the file

We look that .PNG it tells that it is a PNG file

root@kali:$ foremost AAAA

It outputs a PNG file where the flag is :)...

# Foremost:
***What is Foremost???***
It is a command line utility which is used to recover files by using its headers and footers....



Original writeup (https://github.com/palanioffcl/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/TFCCTF/Forensics/AAAA.md).