
# Cyber Santa is Coming to Town: Meet Me Halfway

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## Description

> Evil elves have deployed their own cryptographic service. The keys are unknown to everyone but them. Fortunately, their encryption algorithm is vulnerable. Could you help Santa break the encryption and read their secret message?

## Attached Files

- challenge.py

This file contains the same code that's executed on the docker. We can use this to emulate the encryption with a fake flag.

flag = b'HTB{dummyflag}'

def gen_key(option=0):
alphabet = b'0123456789abcdef'
const = b'cyb3rXm45!@#'
key = b''
for i in range(16-len(const)):
key += bytes([alphabet[randint(0,15)]])

if option:
return key + const
return const + key

def encrypt(data, key1, key2):
cipher = AES.new(key1, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
ct = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, 16))
print("Step 1: " + str(ct))
cipher = AES.new(key2, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
ct = cipher.encrypt(ct)
return ct.hex()

def challenge():
k1 = gen_key()
k2 = gen_key(1)

ct = encrypt(flag, k1, k2)

print('Super strong encryption service approved by the elves X-MAS spirit.\n'+\
'Message for all the elves:\n' +ct + '\nEncrypt your text:\n> ')
dt = json.loads(input().strip())
pt = bytes.fromhex(dt['pt'])
res = encrypt(pt, k1, k2)
print(res + '\n')
except Exception as e:
print('Invalid payload.\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":

## Summary

We see, that our flag is encrypted twice, by two different AES encryptions, that use a key with 4 random characters each. We also get to enter a plaintext and get its ciphertext.

The initial idea I got was using a Meet-In-The-Middle attack, which would also fit the challenge name 'Meet Me Halfway'.

## Flag


## Detailed Solution

Okay, so we want to use a Meet-In-The-Middle attack to find our keys and then decrypt our flag.

But how does a Meet-In-The-Middle attack work?

We want to get the key for the first encryption, by going forward. We encrypt our known plaintext with all possible keys and store them in a dictionary, that maps ciphertext to key.

For the second key we want to go backwards. We decrypt our known ciphertext with all possible keys. Then we check our dictionary. If we find our result in there, we know that our key was correct and we can just take the value for key1 from the dict.

So first, let's get our flag and plaintext-ciphertext pair from our Docker:
Super strong encryption service approved by the elves X-MAS spirit.
Message for all the elves:
Encrypt your text:
> {"pt":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"}

With the variables we got, we can use the following python code to calculate everything for us:
import json
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

def first_half(plaintext, const, printable):
dt = json.loads('{"pt":"' + plaintext + '"}')
pt = bytes.fromhex(dt['pt'])
res = {}
for a in printable:
for b in printable:
for c in printable:
for d in printable:
key1 = const + bytes(a.encode('latin-1')) + bytes(b.encode('latin-1'))
+ bytes(c.encode('latin-1'))+bytes(d.encode('latin-1'))
cipher1 = AES.new(key=key1, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
c1 = cipher1.encrypt(pad(pt, 16))
res[c1] = key1
return res

def second_half(ciphertext, dict, const, printable):
ct = bytes.fromhex(ciphertext)
for a in printable:
for b in printable:
for c in printable:
for d in printable:
key2 = bytes(a.encode('latin-1')) + bytes(b.encode('latin-1'))
+ bytes(c.encode('latin-1'))+bytes(d.encode('latin-1')) + const
cipher2 = AES.new(key=key2, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
res = cipher2.decrypt(ct)
if res in dict:
key1 = dict[res]
return key1, key2

def main():
flag = 'd8c4cf645e889ec3d21fdaca4083d17acdd31489126f7a4bd48b73ea51675513165a00308497170dc3cd18ee969e4fc24c2534b...'
plaintext = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
ciphertext = 'dd94b4f4708c5d21ac12ca38d5a0cebe'
const = b'cyb3rXm45!@#'
printable = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f']

dictionary = first_half(plaintext, const, printable)
key1, key2 = second_half(ciphertext, dictionary, const, printable)

cipher1 = AES.new(key=key1, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
cipher2 = AES.new(key=key2, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)

decrypted_flag = cipher1.decrypt(cipher2.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(flag)))


The output of our code is:

We get a nice christmas song and our flag `HTB{m337_m3_1n_7h3_m1ddl3_0f_3ncryp710n}`!