Rating: 3.5

MetaCTF 2021

A to Z (100pts)


This encrypted flag will only require a simple substitution cipher to solve. Rearrange the letters from A to Z. yzhsufo_rh_nb_uze_wdziu

Step 1 - Identify the Cipher (Or Don't?):

When a cipher appears to be a quick substitution, like this one, I use this site to test out all possible letter shifts. It's more effective than other tools in my opinion and more legible than dCode is.

ROT-0: yzhsufo_rh_nb_uze_wdziu
ROT-1: zaitvgp_si_oc_vaf_xeajv
ROT-2: abjuwhq_tj_pd_wbg_yfbkw
ROT-3: bckvxir_uk_qe_xch_zgclx
ROT-4: cdlwyjs_vl_rf_ydi_ahdmy
ROT-5: demxzkt_wm_sg_zej_bienz
ROT-6: efnyalu_xn_th_afk_cjfoa
ROT-7: fgozbmv_yo_ui_bgl_dkgpb
ROT-8: ghpacnw_zp_vj_chm_elhqc
ROT-9: hiqbdox_aq_wk_din_fmird
ROT-10: ijrcepy_br_xl_ejo_gnjse
ROT-11: jksdfqz_cs_ym_fkp_hoktf
ROT-12: kltegra_dt_zn_glq_iplug
ROT-13: lmufhsb_eu_ao_hmr_jqmvh
ROT-14: mnvgitc_fv_bp_ins_krnwi
ROT-15: nowhjud_gw_cq_jot_lsoxj
ROT-16: opxikve_hx_dr_kpu_mtpyk
ROT-17: pqyjlwf_iy_es_lqv_nuqzl
ROT-18: qrzkmxg_jz_ft_mrw_ovram
ROT-19: rsalnyh_ka_gu_nsx_pwsbn
ROT-20: stbmozi_lb_hv_oty_qxtco
ROT-21: tucnpaj_mc_iw_puz_ryudp
ROT-22: uvdoqbk_nd_jx_qva_szveq
ROT-23: vweprcl_oe_ky_rwb_tawfr
ROT-24: wxfqsdm_pf_lz_sxc_ubxgs
ROT-25: xygrten_qg_ma_tyd_vcyht

Unfortunately, none of these look to be the answer. In this case, I resort to one last substitution cipher before looking at crazy attacks: Atbash.

Step 2 - Atbash Attack:

Knowing different types of ciphers and being able to execute them is part of a cryptographer's toolkit. I found Atbash long ago and reference it when I'm in need of a substitution cipher. There's no easy way to identify it, but it should be tried when dealing with substitution. Sure enough, using CyberChef with an Atbash recipe will output the flag.

For those completely unfamiliar with how to determine what ciphers to use, resources like this list of substitution ciphers would be a good place to start. Testing all of them wouldn't hurt.

<details> <summary> Flag Spoiler </summary> bashful_is_my_fav_dwarf </details>

Learning Takeaways

We learned that there are many different types of substitution ciphers besides ROT and Caesar. By finding resources on ciphers, we can build out our own toolkits to identify ciphers in the future and spend less time guessing.

Original writeup (https://github.com/team23ctf/writeups/blob/main/metactf2021/A%20to%20Z/A%20to%20Z.md).