Tags: 318br bash
#[Failed Compression](https://ctftime.org/task/2258)
This one was a pain in the *ss. I opened the file (compressed.zip, 73mb) and found a lot of JPEG JFIF broken headers, and also PNG IHDR ones.
I was REALLY bored to code something nice to extract all the files, so I thought I could use some luck this time. Then I focused on the JPEG files.
Before you continue, I'd like you to know that I'm not proud of the following lines ;)
##1. Convert the file to hex
`xxd -p compressed.zip | tr -d "\n" > hex`
##2. Make an ugly loop to isolate the JPEG markers within spaces using an uglier sed.
`j=0; for i in (cathex|sed′s/e000104a/STARTHERE/g;s/ae4260/ENDHERE/g′);doechoi > $j.j; let j++; done;`
##3. Loop all the files, now fixing the headers and footers, then converting back from hex to file.
`for i in *.j ; do sed -i 's/STARTHERE/ffd8ffe000104a/g;s/ENDHERE/ae4260/g' i;xxd−r−pi > ${i}pg ; done;`
##4. For easy browsing, let's make a HTML file with all the valid JPEG files
`for i in $(file *.jpg| grep JPEG | cut -f1 -d:); do echo "" >> index.html; done`
As I said, we needed luck. The flag was in one of the jpeg files :)
Take a look at 264.jpg