Tags: crypto 


# RAS Solution

First, we should find all possible params:

from Crypto.Util.number import *
import math
import numpy as np

def genparam(nbit):
while True:
a, b = getRandomRange(2, nbit), getRandomRange(32, nbit)
if (a ** b).bit_length() == nbit:
return a ** b

def genkey(nbit):
p, q = [_ + (_ % 2) for _ in [genparam(nbit) for _ in '01']]
while True:
P = p + getPrime(31)
if isPrime(P):
while True:
Q = q + getPrime(37)
if isPrime(Q):
return P, Q
all_params = []

for a in range(2, 512):
for b in range(32, 512):
if (a ** b).bit_length() == 512:
all_params.append((0, a, b, a**b))


Then we should find all 31-bit prime numbers:
def SieveOfEratosthenes(n):
n_s = math.floor(n**0.5)
prime = np.ones(n+1, dtype=bool)

for p in range(2, n_s+1):
if (prime[p]):
prime[p*p:n+1:p] = False

return prime

prime_array = SieveOfEratosthenes(2**31)
print("Total prime numbers in range:", np.sum(prime_array))
prime_numbers_31bit = np.where(prime_array[2**30:])[0] + 2**30
print("Total prime numbers in my range:", len(prime_numbers_31bit))
print('Example', prime_numbers_31bit[0], isPrime(
int(prime_numbers_31bit[0])), int(prime_numbers_31bit[0]).bit_length())
del prime_array

Then we brute force all possible Ps. if pubkey%P is 0, this P may be the correct P. some other conditions should be satisfied for the valid P and Q (such as being prime):
pubkey = 56469405750402193641449232753975279624388972985036568323092258873756801156079913882719631252209538683205353844069168609565141017503581101845476197667784484712057287713526027533597905495298848547839093455328128973319016710733533781180094847568951833393705432945294907000234880317134952746221201465210828955449

volunteer_pq_s = []
ram_const = 1 # 2
p_param_i = 1
for p_param in all_params:
p_param = p_param[3]
print(p_param_i, p_param)
p_param_i += 1
p_param += p_param % 2

partition_len = len(prime_numbers_31bit)//ram_const
for partition_i in range(ram_const+1):
partitioned_P_s = prime_numbers_31bit[partition_i *
partition_len:(partition_i+1)*partition_len] + p_param
valid_partitioned_P_s = partitioned_P_s[np.array(
pubkey) % partitioned_P_s == 0]

for valid_P in valid_partitioned_P_s:
volunteer_pq_s.append((valid_P, pubkey//valid_P))
print((valid_P, pubkey//valid_P))

del valid_partitioned_P_s
print(' ', partition_i, len(volunteer_pq_s))

After running this part of the code, we see that only one volunteer p is found. So there is no need for other checks. Then we use it to decrypt the flag:
volunteer_p, volunteer_q = (7503181809956767523746965523445045476257163607925774521504848419053281285592652527357937939189782711610752940844746826826913644756871296753402980129494103, 7526061233844414054658272333288124411685335071877284335907504995816228844305448573362353388854643200579154642450347983868657774168720289858354259165638383)
e = 0x10001
n = volunteer_p * volunteer_q
d = inverse(e, (volunteer_p - 1) * (volunteer_q - 1))

c = 11104433528952071860984483920122173351342473018268740572598132083816861855404615534742178674185812745207876206939230069251889172817480784782618716608299615251541018034321389516732611030641383571306414414804563863131355221859432899624060128497648444189432635603082478662202695641001726208833663163000227827283

m = pow(c, d, n)


Original writeup (https://github.com/pfire-ctf/asis2021-finals-writeups/blob/main/RAS).