# nDLP
## Description
How hard are discrete logarithms problems in Z_n? Try to solve the given [DLP](https://asisctf.com/tasks/nDLP_e29f9df33a5782c92e485a1bf648ca950d323024.txz).
## Writeup
The file contains a discrete logarithm problem:
x = bytes_to_long(flag)
g = 685780528648223163108441
n = 12588567055208488159342105634949357220607702491616160304212767442540158416811459761519218454720193189
y = pow(g, x, n)
y = 9136134187598897896238293762558529068838567704462064643828064439262538588237880419716728404254970025
We should find `x` and use `long_to_bytes` to convert it into a string.
We have:
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To find x, we should use Discrete Logarithm. By using factorization tools (Like [Alperton](https://www.alpertron.com.ar/ECM.HTM)) we found that `n` is not prime. Actually:
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We need a prime modulus to solve DLP trivially, but our modulus is not prime here. We could use two approaches here. The first approach is to calculate the remainder of y when divided by each prime factor; Then, solve DLP for each of the prime factors and use the Chinese remainder theorem to combine the results and find the answer.
But our solution is much more straightforward :))
### Solution
Our solution is to use online tools :)) We used [Alperton](https://www.alpertron.com.ar/DILOG.HTM) website to solve the DLP problem. It solves it even for composite numbers. We just need to input `g` as `Base`, `y` as `Power`, and `n` as `Modulus` in this site, and after some time, it gives us the general result of this problem:
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By evaluating the expression above for `k=0` and using this simple python script, we can quickly get the flag:
from Crypto.Util.number import *
The flag is: