# mDLP
## Description
mDLP states the Discrete Logarithm Problem in matrices! [Download](https://asisctf.com/tasks/MDLP_e6ee0604df9e3a5e0c91d2e9d5ad74ae31d1c346.txz) and break it!
#!/usr/bin/env sage
from sage.all import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from secret import gen_prime, gen_base_matrix, flag
def keygen(nbit, l):
## Create the n-bit prime and base square matrix of size l over Ring Z_p
p = gen_prime(nbit)
A = gen_base_matrix(p, l)
d = randint(2, p)
Q = A ** d
pubkey = (p, A, Q)
privkey = d
return pubkey, privkey
def encrypt(M, pubkey):
p, A, Q = pubkey
l = A.nrows()
assert M.nrows() == l
r = randint(2, p)
C, D = A ** r, Q ** r
E = D * M
return C, E
def msg_to_matrix(p, msg):
l = len(msg)
return matrix(Zmod(p), [[bytes_to_long(msg[0:l//4]), bytes_to_long(msg[l//4:l//2])],
[bytes_to_long(msg[l//2:3*l//4]), bytes_to_long(msg[3*l//4:l])]])
nbit, l = 256, 2
pubkey, privkey = keygen(nbit, l)
p, A, Q = pubkey
M = msg_to_matrix(p, flag)
ENC = encrypt(M, pubkey)
print(f'pubkey = {pubkey}')
print(f'ENC = {ENC}')
pubkey = (94413310751917369305079812653655619566021075449954923397392050181976939189891, [38199337272663519912859864066101528484023656231849338967558894235177040565160 39708167173513090810083500967474691943646789486489990958101592717502452906918]
[ 8216211510625558273096642057121313417997488994504871245106775381995665925783 56213973479253849392219948587554091081997419218105584429833155946799898624740], [61709241598677561125021718690991651934557899286972116933820920757636771220273 1945367449329759288724720626216309893787847192907494307536759223359193510642]
[37495232301500074672571996664644922614693962264764098174213150757616575323566 7348269231944161963123250652171976847627786311806728904368575861561449853500])
ENC = ([47566868540912475779105819546118874217903268597017385039977593878486632022506 86073162301954995219912739344010659248720823814557810528618517154406350653517]
[23443866424088482893369441934221448179896589659663581973508963775891809430857 74567333640177484678138574534395714128854315440076840728428649074147859070975], [56937964695156855099385034285428853461603799261684034842341841781057485084327 82459328835322885824854425864023809222717401981993182346342472865578156162544]
[85092677346274708324092648597361729755305119435989183201786866456596369562681 22228861714953585357281182780002271505668586948202416054453861940155538803489])
## Writeup
There are some utilities defined in `functions.py` file.
Each function is described in its docstring.
Then we diagonalize matrix A and find out its eigenvalues are `10` and `-1`.
`10` is a primitive root modulo `p`. Also, `p-1`'s prime factors are all below 1000, so we can multiply `P` and `P^-1` to `A^d` and `A^r` and then solve the DLP problem on the resulting matrices using CRT and number-theoretic stuff.
After finding `r` and `d`, we calculate `r.d` and then calculate `A**(r.d)**-1`.
It's evident that by calculating the product of this matrix and `C`(ciphertext matrix), we can find `P`(plaintext matrix).
In [1]: exec(open('functions.py', 'r').read())
In [2]: A = [[38199337272663519912859864066101528484023656231849338967558894235177040565160 , 39708167173513090810083500967474691943646789486489990958
...: 101592717502452906918],
...: [ 8216211510625558273096642057121313417997488994504871245106775381995665925783 , 5621397347925384939221994858755409108199741921810558442983315
...: 5946799898624740]]
In [3]: ev = eigenvals(A)
In [4]: P = Pof(A, ev)
In [5]: Q = inv(P)
Import functions, define matrix A, calculate its eigenvalues, P and Q!
In [6]: Ad = [[61709241598677561125021718690991651934557899286972116933820920757636771220273 , 1945367449329759288724720626216309893787847192907494307
...: 536759223359193510642] ,
...: [37495232301500074672571996664644922614693962264764098174213150757616575323566 , 7348269231944161963123250652171976847627786311806728904368575
...: 861561449853500]]
In [7]: Ar = [[47566868540912475779105819546118874217903268597017385039977593878486632022506 , 8607316230195499521991273934401065924872082381455781052
...: 8618517154406350653517],
...: [23443866424088482893369441934221448179896589659663581973508963775891809430857 , 7456733364017748467813857453439571412885431544007684072842864
...: 9074147859070975]]
In [8]: T = mult(Q, mult(Ad, P))
In [9]: T
[0, 1]]
Then define `A**d` and `A**r`. `Q.A**d.P` is a diagonal matrix as expected.
In [10]: factors = [2, 5, 103, 131, 139, 149, 181, 223, 263, 313, 337, 347, 349, 359, 389, 409, 479, 509, 547, 599, 613, 643, 751, 757, 773, 787, 6352
...: 09, 839, 857, 877]
In [16]: T = mult(Q, mult(Ar, P))
In [17]: rems = list(map(lambda x: find_r(T[0][0], x), factors))
In [19]: _, r = crt(factors, rems)
In [20]: T = mult(Q, mult(Ad, P))
In [21]: rems = list(map(lambda x: find_r(T[0][0], x), factors))
In [22]: _, d = crt(factors, rems)
In [23]: pow(10, d, p) == T[0][0]
Out[23]: True
Factorize `p-1` and find `r mod factor` for each of those factors. These factors are not necessarily prime, but they're coprime.
After finding these remainders, we use CRT to combine them and find `r` and `d` modulo `p-1`.
In [24]: dr = d * r % (p - 1)
In [25]: Adr = mult(P, mult([[pow(10, dr, p), 0],[0, pow(-1, dr, p)]], Q))
In [26]: C = [[56937964695156855099385034285428853461603799261684034842341841781057485084327 , 8245932883532288582485442586402380922271740198199318234
...: 6342472865578156162544],
...: [85092677346274708324092648597361729755305119435989183201786866456596369562681 , 222288617149535853572811827800022715056685869482024160544538
...: 61940155538803489]]
In [27]: P = mult(inv(Adr), C)
Then calculate inverse of `A**dr` and decrypt `C` to earn `P`
In [28]: from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
In [29]: long_to_bytes(P[0][0]) + long_to_bytes(P[0][1]) + long_to_bytes(P[1][0]) + long_to_bytes(P[1][1])
Out[29]: b'ASIS{PuBl1c-K3y_CRyp70sy5tEm_B4S3d_On_Tw0D!m3nSiOn_DLP!}'
Use `long_to_bytes` to find the flag at last.