Tags: qiskit 


### rev/universal

This challenge presents an obfuscate quantum circuit for performing addition based on the [Quantum Fourier Transform adder](https://github.com/the-entire-country-of-ireland/public-quantum-rev/blob/main/Quantum%20Rev%202/solve/writeup.md), which is the same addition algorithm featured in the linked writeups from last year's quantum rev challenges. The goal is to determine that number is being added.

The obfuscation comes from that all of the `Rz(theta)` rotations have been converted into long sequences of `H` and `T` gates -- thus making the entire quantum circuit only use `H, T, CNOT` gates. The program I used for this was [gridsynth](https://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/newsynth/), which is much more efficient than other approaches, eg as given by the construction of the Solovay-Kitaev theorem. No other obfuscations were applied, apart from those required to convert controlled-rotations into a mix of CNOT and single-qubit gates.

$ gridsynth pi/128

The intended solution analyzes the structure of the QFT to isolate where the actual rotations are beign applied. The QFT consists of a long chain of CNOT gates and Rz rotations. The actual adder component consists of only Rz rotations, with no CNOT gates. So the longest chain of gates in the circuit which contains no CNOT gates is the adder. This is the only component which you need to statically analyze. You can determine this by reading about how the QFT works, or by looking at the generate.py script from last year's challenges.

The following solution is essentially a quantum disassembler. For each single-qubit chain of H and T gates, it multiplies the gates together to determine what the quantum operator is. Then it determines that the corresponding Z-rotation angle is for this operator.

Once all the rotation angles have been recovered, extracting the number being added (ie the flag) [proceeds identically to quantum-rev 2 from last year](https://github.com/the-entire-country-of-ireland/public-quantum-rev/blob/main/Quantum%20Rev%202/solve/writeup.md).

from math import pi, log2
import numpy as np

# hadamard gate
H = 1/np.sqrt(2)*np.array([[1, 1],
[1,-1]], dtype=np.complex128)
# T-phase gate
T = np.array([[1, 0],
[0, np.exp(1j * pi/4)]], dtype=np.complex128)
# identity operator
I = np.array([[1, 0],
[0, 1]], dtype=np.complex128)


# num qubits
n = 256
# max error
epsilon = 1e-4

look for the start/end of the QFT.
This includes a few extra gates (from the QFT)
for qubit 0 and 1, so we just ignore those

idcs = []
with open("converted_circuit.qasm", "r") as f:
for i,line in enumerate(f):
if line == "cx q[1],q[0];\n":
# print(i)

i0 = idcs[1]
i1 = idcs[2]

lines = open("converted_circuit.qasm", "r").readlines()
idcs = [i for i,line in enumerate(lines)]
gates = lines[i0 + 1:i1 - 1]


unitaries = [I for _ in range(n)]

for line in gates:
instr = line[0]
qubit = line[line.find("[")+1:line.find("]")]
qubit = int(qubit)

i = qubit
if instr == 't':
unitaries[i] = unitaries[i] @ T
elif instr == 'h':
unitaries[i] = unitaries[i] @ H
raise ValueError("invalid gate")

# correct for QFT spillover
for i in range(3):
unitaries[i] = I


binary_reprs = ""
unitaries = unitaries

for i,u in enumerate(unitaries):
delta = np.abs(u) - I
if np.max(np.abs(delta)) > epsilon:
raise ValueError("unitary is not approximately a phase gate")

u /= u[0][0]
angle = np.angle(u[1][1])

b = str(int(angle < 0))
binary_reprs += b

flag = int(binary_reprs[::-1], 2).to_bytes(n//8, "little")
# first character is wrong b/c we included some extra QFT gates lol
flag = b"d" + flag[1:]

However, during the competition the only solves were from a very amusing approach -- just run the program and it prints out the flag! Apparently the circuit simulator used in qiskit is able to very efficiently emulate the circuit in this problem without ever constructing the full statevector. The statevector has length `2^256`, so I had assumed that classically simulating the output would be completely impossible. Clearly, the IBM engineers and scientists behind qiskit deserve a raise >_<.

The runtime of the below script for me is 45 minutes and it takes < 4 gigs of ram -- much less than 2^256!

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute
simulator = Aer.get_backend('aer_simulator')
qc = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_file("converted_circuit.qasm")

# add some measurement gates at the end
qubits = list(range(256))
qc.measure(qubits, qubits)
job = execute(qc, simulator)
result = job.result()

num_chars = 256 // 8
x = list(result.get_counts().keys())[0]
f = int(x, 2).to_bytes(num_chars, "little")

Original writeup (https://hackmd.io/fmdfFQ2iS6yoVpbR3KCiqQ?view#revuniversal).