Tags: forensic forensics 

Rating: 5.0

When I downloaded the [doc file](https://github.com/mar232320/ctf-writeups/raw/main/davinci/2022/verybadscript.doc)
I opened it in libre office without executing the macro. I copied the macro code and started to reverse-engineer it
The [macro](https://github.com/mar232320/ctf-writeups/raw/main/davinci/2022/macro.vba) was obfuscated. I renamed the random function names and got the partly [deobfuscated macro](https://github.com/mar232320/ctf-writeups/raw/main/davinci/2022/makro.vba) with xor decrypting function. I modified the macro to display the xor password
which turned out to be

I made a [python script](https://github.com/mar232320/ctf-writeups/raw/main/davinci/2022/vbsolver.py) to decrypt all the xor strings in the macro and there I found that the macro doesn't do anything malicious but sends a message with the flag via post request to `http://dvc.tf:9001`


# dvCTF{vb4_0bfu5c4710n_5h3n4n164n5}

Original writeup (https://github.com/mar232320/ctf-writeups/blob/main/davinci/2022/verybadscript.md).