Tags: officialwriteup 


# 1337UP CTF

## Crypto - Dante's Inferno

### Methodology/Steps

- 1 : `change header of zip file`
- 2 : `Run the text/prgm in Malboge decoder`
- 3 : `RSA cube root attack`

### Header change

- change the header to `50 4B 03 04` ( I've used hexedit )
- Refernce - `https://bitvijays.github.io/LFC-Forensics.html`


- After unzipping we had a file which had encoded ciphertext

### Malboge decoder

- The text file and challenge name had reference of Malboge language
- Reference - https://malbolge.doleczek.pl/
- This was the ciphertext


- Decoded text

ct = 873155658033286165345893055075219953448439133304998599826332294122364399613515391492517530741997313686269671365469457117326837553092248386584401016236110628510070270063568461732767950347057143066788600143225698168693961311821925168117751654884111332051719013


### RSA Solve.py

- The flag file had a hint of `cube root` attack

from gmpy2 import iroot
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

ct = ct = 873155658033286165345893055075219953448439133304998599826332294122364399613515391492517530741997313686269671365469457117326837553092248386584401016236110628510070270063568461732767950347057143066788600143225698168693961311821925168117751654884111332051719013
flag = iroot(ct,3)

flag = long_to_bytes(flag[0]).decode()


flag : 1337UP{U_d3CrYPt3D_th3_k3Y_30494762}

Original writeup (https://github.com/heapbytes/1337UP-Official-Writeups/tree/main/Crypto/Dante's%20inferno).