Tags: crypto lll 


# Karen Writeup

### zer0pts CTF 2022 - crypto 304 - 8 solves

> [karen_09b3e12d31dec5649953b2a2613c05c3.tar.gz](karen_09b3e12d31dec5649953b2a2613c05c3.tar.gz)

#### Analysis

Problem source:

with open("flag.txt", "rb") as f:
flag = int.from_bytes(f.read(), "big")

n = 70
m = flag.bit_length()
assert n < m
p = random_prime(2**512)

F = GF(p)
x = random_matrix(F, 1, n)
A = random_matrix(ZZ, n, m, x=0, y=2)
A[randint(0, n-1)] = vector(ZZ, Integer(flag).bits())
h = x*A


`n = 70`, `p` is 512 bit prime.
`x` is 1 by `n` matrix which its elements are chosen randomly in `Zmod(p)`.
`A` is `n` by `m` matrix which elements are chosen randomly in `Zmod(2)`. `m = 351` which is flag's bit length.
Single row's `A` will be substituted to `Integer(flag).bits()`. We only know `p` and `h = x * A`(`1` by `m` matrix).
Our goal is to recover every element of `A` and recover flag.

### Guess the paper!

The problem reminds me of knapsack cipher, or 0/1 knapsack problem. The hard part is that, we only know the encrypted message, not public key. This problem is called the **Hidden Subset Sum Problem**. The paper: [A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Solving the Hidden Subset Sum](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/461.pdf) which was accepted to CRYPTO20 shows the state-of-art algorithm to solve this specfic problem. The paper even provides juicy sagemath code :D.

So, does the given contraint: `n = 70` and `m = 351` are feasible to be solved? Yes, the paper also provides the implementation of Nguyen-Stern algorithm, which is less powerful than the author's new algorithm. By doing some experiments, I successfuly applied the Nguyen-Stern algorithm to the given output and got the flag:


Problem src and output: [task.sage](task.sage), [output.txt](output.txt)

exploit driver code: [solve.sage](solve.sage) with [output.py](output.py)

Original writeup (https://github.com/pcw109550/write-up/tree/master/2022/zer0pts/Karen).