Tags: ssti 


# VishwaCTF 2022
## Hey Buddy!


Hey Buddy, Give me your name I will display your name on my website. Yes exactly, there is nothing in this website.
Url - https://h3y-buddy.vishwactf.com/


In this challenge, we are greeted on the website with a window that allows us to enter our name:


At first I went for a simple XSS payload:


But as successful as it was, it was a road to nowhere.
Then I noticed that the creators of the task conveniently provided us with the sourcecode - there was a button on the main page that led to /source.txt:


To make sure that we are dealing with SSTI (Server Side Template Injection) I tried with a simple payload:


Success ^^ Now we can exploit this.
After poking around and trying different payloads I was able to list files on the server:


I could also run commands like 'uname'. However it wasn't that simple to cat flag.txt - there was a problem with the space in the command - url encoding it didn't seem to work. After another few minutes I found payload that worked for me:


Yay, flag found :D
Another way to do this was simply using $IFS in beetwen 'cat' and 'flag.txt'.

Original writeup (https://github.com/Ceithrin/CyberSec/tree/main/CTF/writeups/VishwaCTF/Hey_Buddy).