Tags: forensics 

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This challenge is simillar to the first one but requires some scripting for analyzing the frames of the video.

import os
import cv2
from PIL import Image

#Pixel position that will be readed, I just save one frame to the disk and read it with gimp
PIXELS = [(700, 360),(700, 395),(700, 430),(700, 470),(700, 500),(700, 540),(700, 575),(700, 600)]
# Loading video
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('buzz-bin.avi')

# this shit uses BGR - BLUE GREEN RED color space !
while cap.isOpened():
ret, frame = cap.read()
#cv2.waitKey left from the tests now it isn't needed but ret==False is necessary to
#end loop when video is finished
if ret == False or cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
#Checking if pixel is green or black and assigning the proper value
for bit in PIXELS:
if frame[bit][1] >= 200:
if frame[bit][0] < 100 and frame[bit][1] < 100 and frame[bit][2] < 100:

#writing binary data to file
with open('transmission.txt', 'w') as f:

The script above analyze somewhat middle of the “led’s” and assign `1` if color is green and `0` if color if black, red dots means “this byte ended now next byte comming” so there is no point of tracking them


Script generate that output


Converting it back to its original state by this script:

with open('transmission.txt', 'r') as f:

output = []
#Splitting long binary string into 8bits and saving into list
output = [data[i:i+BYTE_LENGTH] for i in range(0, len(data), BYTE_LENGTH)]
#Now converting binary values to hexadecimal values and padding it to be 2 bytes as 2
# is not apparently hexadecimal value but 02 is
output = [hex(int(i,2))[2:].rjust(2,'0') for i in output]
#Joining the list to one long string
output = ''.join(output)
#Converting hex values to bytes
output = bytes.fromhex(output)
#writing bytes to the disk
with open('binarka', 'wb') as f:

As challenge description said now they transmit files so thats why writing in `wb - write binary mode` is necessary

After executing binary flag is shown!

Original writeup (https://github.com/SovietBeast/CTF-writeups/blob/main/Space%20Heroes%20CTF%202022/Buzzs-Secret-Watch-Part-2.md).