
# Redaction gone wrong

## Description
Now you DON’T see me.
This [report](https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/264/Financial_Report_for_ABC_Labs.pdf) has some critical data in it, some of which have been redacted correctly, while some were not. Can you find an important key that was not redacted properly?

## Solving

1. Look at the pdf file... some text is redacted
1. If it is done right, you cannot extract it, but we are lucky, it's not done correctly.
1. We can copy the text from the pdf and extract everything... or use `pdftotext` and so on.
1. I will use `pdftotext` - just use `pdftotext <FILE>` to create a new textfile with the content of the pdf.
1. And you got the flag :D

This bashscript will do it for you :-)



pdftotext ${pdf}.pdf

grep -o "picoCTF{.*}" ${pdf}.txt

rm ${pdf}.txt

Original writeup (https://www.it-sec.fail/picoctf-2022-forensics-redaction-gone-wrong/).