Rating: 1.0

**Full write-up (+files):** [https://www.sebven.com/ctf/2022/04/12/HackPackCTF2022-Repeating-Offense.html](https://www.sebven.com/ctf/2022/04/12/HackPackCTF2022-Repeating-Offense.html)

Cryptography – 443 pts (20 solves) – Chall author: Polymero (me)

One-time oracles using RSA or Paillier are not a great idea due to those slippery mathemagicians… I would like to see them slip their way through RSA AND Paillier! After all, you cannot rob two banks at the same time. … What?

nc cha.hackpack.club 10996 or 20996

Files: repeatingoffense.py

This challenge was part of my guest appearance on HackPack CTF 2022.

Original writeup (https://www.sebven.com/ctf/2022/04/12/HackPackCTF2022-Repeating-Offense.html).