Tags: python zip crypto qrcode 


You'll get one png file which contains QR code. Scan it using **zbarimg** and a link to **google drive** will appear.

**Download** the zip file from the google drive.

**Crack** the zip file with any file cracking tool.

After cracking the file, you'll get pass **qristal**.

**Extract** the zip file and you'll get a lot of png files which were all QR codes.

Use zbarimg or any QR extracting tool
zbarimg *.png > flags.txt

Note: I replaced "QR-Code:" from all the lines using a text editor.

You'll see many duplicate texts. So let's carve out the duplicates and get the unique ones only using python.

sanitized = []
unique = []

with open('flags.txt', 'r') as f:
x = f.readlines()
for i in x:
sanitized.append(i.replace('\n', ''))

for i in sanitized:
if i not in unique:


['CUCTF{This_is_fake_flag}', 'CUCTF{This_is_wrong_one}', 'CUCTF{Not_this_one}', 'CUCTF{can_you_scan_me?}']

**Flag:** CUCTF{can_you_scan_me?}

Original writeup (https://github.com/ninchy0/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/CUCTF1.0/Misc/4R3%20Y0U%20CR4ZY).