Tags: writeup web 

Rating: 5.0

This web was a bit more challenging and more guessy than the other web
First checking out common directories, you could find a ``.git`` Directory.

Looking at Commit History:

You could see that there was a commit with ``commit: Added the flag``

Reading into the structure of .git directories a bit, I found out the objects directory contains backup achieved files
All the files are encoded in zlib, so a simple python script will suffice.
import zlib

f = open('your_compressed_file', 'rb')
Running through all the objects in the directory, you could find Object 78, ````
Decoding this file gave you the flag
>>> import zlib
>>> f = open('flag', 'rb')
>>> print(zlib.decompress(f.read()))
b'blob 29\x00SAH{Guess_You_Got_Some_Help}\n'

#### Flag