Tags: osint ez-ctf gutibaba 


  1. At first Adjust the Image Hue with -180

  2. Then Reverse search with the image you transformed

  3. Then you will get that song name as Rock Bitch Mafia

  4. Then find the Album of that song (I visitied thir spootify Album)

  5. The 7th song of that album is "Rck Bitch"

  6. Then Find the name of the girl is that cover pic

  7. I searched by "rock Bitch Mafia Cover Model girl namel"

  8. Then I found the name was "India Waters"

             So the flag will be EZ-CTF{Rock_Bitch_India_Waters}
Original writeup (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBnjCYyN9Mc).