Tags: png aperisolve stego 


# TJCTF 2022

**Challenge name :** cool-school | *393 solves / 129 points*

**Author :** andrewxie

**Description :**
*Wow TJ is such a cool school! This image really captures the vibes. But something seems off about the image...*

**Downloads :** [image.png](https://imgur.com/Hn7Uw0f)

This challenge is a classic and it is not very complicated. However, I would like to point out that the associated category is not appropriate. This is a steganography challenge, not forensics challenge.

When I hear "Steganography" I think about an awesome tool named Aperi'Solve (shout-out to Aperi'Kube). It performs many steganographic operations on images, including changing shades and colors. You can found it in the following link : [Aperi'Solve](https://aperisolve.fr)

So, we submit the image and get informations and results about every tasks performed.

## Some informations

[Statistics on the uploaded image](https://imgur.com/KZ315Ux)

For example, we can see that this image was uploaded 228 times. Several participants had the good idea to use this tool to save time. ;)

## Flag

Browsing the **Supperimposed** category, we can see the flag on the top left corner of the image.

[The Flag](https://imgur.com/yQqrKPj)

Flag : `tjctf{l0l_st3g_s0_co0l}`

The flag confirms the real category of the challenge ;) but nvm that was funny.