Tags: angr re 


# Basic Rev

## Challenge

How well do you know assembly? Do you know of any tools that can help you? (Hint, they both start with the letter G)


## Solution

The binary is fairly simply to reverse. It requests a number as input and then constructs a flag (which it never prints.) Simply looking at the assembly, you could determine the correct input is 289

000023e9 81bddcfeffff2101…cmp dword [rbp-0x124 {var_12c}], 0x121

However, this felt like an easiest enough problem that I could spend some time learning more about [angr](https://angr.io) to solve the correct input and then print the contents of the flag from memory.

We can start the symbolic execution at the beginning of the ``constructFlag()`` function and define a 64-bit symbolic bit vector (``BVS``) for the first parameter, ``RDI``

00002399 int64_t constructFlag(int32_t arg1)
password = claripy.BVS('', 64)
initial_state.regs.rdi = password

Then we can determine the correct ``GOOD`` and ``BAD`` paths that we would like to explore()

0000270b 488d053a090000 lea rax, [rel data_304c] {"Wrong number!"}
BAD = 0x270b+BASE

000026d3 4889c7 mov rdi, rax {var_128}
000026d6 e855faffff call std::__cxx11::basic_stri...>, std::allocator<char> >::operator+=
000026db 488d054e090000 lea rax, [rel data_3030] {"Finished processing flag!"}
000026e2 4889c6 mov rsi, rax {data_3030, "Finished processing flag!"}
GOOD = 0x26e2+BASE

Upon determing a ``solution_state``, we'd like to print the contents of the flag, which is heeld in ``RDI``. So we'll need to get a pointer held in RDI, then load the symbolic bit vector of that address, and subsequently cast that to bytes.

flag_ptr = solution_state.solver.eval(solution_state.regs.rdi)
flag_bvs = solution_state.memory.load(flag_ptr, 256)
flag_bytes = solution_state.solver.eval(flag_bvs, cast_to=bytes)

Putting it all together, our solution follows:


import angr
import claripy
import sys

BASE = 0x400000

00002399 int64_t constructFlag(int32_t arg1)

0000270b 488d053a090000 lea rax, [rel data_304c] {"Wrong number!"}
BAD = 0x270b+BASE

000026d3 4889c7 mov rdi, rax {var_128}
000026d6 e855faffff call std::__cxx11::basic_stri...>, std::allocator<char> >::operator+=
000026db 488d054e090000 lea rax, [rel data_3030] {"Finished processing flag!"}
000026e2 4889c6 mov rsi, rax {data_3030, "Finished processing flag!"}
GOOD = 0x26e2+BASE

def main(argv):
path_to_binary = argv[1]
project = angr.Project(path_to_binary, main_opts={"base_addr": BASE})

start_address = START
initial_state = project.factory.blank_state(

password = claripy.BVS('', 64)

initial_state.regs.rdi = password

simulation = project.factory.simgr(initial_state)
simulation.explore(find=GOOD, avoid=BAD)

if simulation.found:

solution_state = simulation.found[0]
solution = solution_state.solver.eval(password)
print("Correct Input: [ %s ]" % solution)

flag_ptr = solution_state.solver.eval(solution_state.regs.rdi)
flag_bvs = solution_state.memory.load(flag_ptr, 256)
flag_bytes = solution_state.solver.eval(flag_bvs, cast_to=bytes)
print("Flag: [ %s ]" % flag_bytes.decode())

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running yields the flag:

Correct Input: [ 289 ]
Flag: [ byuctf{t35t_fl4g_pl3453_ign0r3} ]

Original writeup (https://github.com/tj-oconnor/ctf-writeups/tree/main/byuctf/basic_rev).