Tags: python3 opencv video 


Welcome to SEETF! Submit the teaser video flag here.


Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dlfp6vC1pto7vW5WUKqvX-tbIt6tfGfg/view
## Got the flag

The welcome video uploaded to YouTube even before the CTF start. After watched the video, we noticed from 00:25, there are white dot in a square box on the top right of the video till the end. The square seems nicely fit a QRCode, so the task would be get all the white dot to form a QRcode picture.

Extracts frames from video downloaded from Google drive link with ffmpeg

`ffmpeg -i input.mp4 '%04d.png'`

this creates ~ 4000 png files and the dot starts appears at ~ 1620.png.

The idea is to use opencv to crop each image in a big-enough square, as each of them is a numpy matrix, they can be added together, in the end, we will have all the white-dots and that is the QRcode.

The naive implementation returned a noise image:

import os
import cv2
images = sorted(os.listdir())[1620:]
acc = cv2.imread(images[0], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)[:256,1620:]
for img in images:
tmp = cv2.imread(x, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)[:256,1620:]
acc += tmp

cv2.imwrite("result.png", acc)

After examines several images, we found that black areas is not absolute black (value 0), so all the gray pixels add up (1, 2...), we end up with a white pixel (since we exams ~ 2400 images). From 00:31 to 00:35, there are even pretty white background video. We convert all values < 200 to 0, then remain only real white dots. Add up, after ~ 1 min, we got the QRcode, scanned it, got the flag.

import os
import cv2

images = sorted(os.listdir("welcome"))[1620:]
i = cv2.imread("welcome/4391.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
i = i[:256, 1620:]
i[i < 200] = 0

for x in images:
print(x, end=" ")
tmp = cv2.imread("welcome/" + x, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)[:256, 1620:]
tmp[tmp < 200] = 0
i += tmp

cv2.imwrite("welcome.png", i)

Original writeup (https://github.com/pymivn/ctf/blob/main/2022-SEETF/welcome.md).