Tags: misc javascript 


The challenge hint says: it use eval and want from us to print " bcactf " to a console:


This is the Payload :



"**$**" Variable Contain "**{}**" and "**!1**" concatenated, and will translated on Javascript to:

`{} ` // ----> "[object Object]"

`!1` // ----> "false"


Combine them to use it as a variable with indexing []:

`$={}+!1;` // we define "**$**" variable with content : **[object Object]false**
`$[2] ` //b is secend index on [object Object]false
`$[5] ` //c
`$[16] ` //a
`$[5] ` //c
`$[6]` //t
`$[15] ` //f




└─ nc misc.bcactf.com 49156
Get the flag by making the calculator output "bcactf"!

`> $={}+!1;$[2]+$[5]+$[16]+$[5]+$[6]+$[15];`

Result: bcactf
Congrats! The flag is bcactf{G00D_EV4LUAT1ON}


> Saudi Team