Tags: netcat java game 


After connecting to the given server on netcat, it is painstakingly obvious this text adventure is similar to Zork (an online text-adventure game). One strategy may be to copy and paste  directions (seperated by a newline) into the netcat connection quickly until you find the flag. I found it easier to write a Java program that takes in a series of directions, connects to the server, and executes all the commands in rapid succession. After touring the map, I came across pieces of the flag until you put it together and submit this flag: `tjctf{y0u_m1ght_h@v3_b33n_m1$sing_t3h_fl4g_but_YOUR_A1M_IS_G3TT1NG_B3TT3R}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/tjgerot/write-ups-2016/tree/master/tjctf-2016/gravity-mud-90).