Decompiled C code:
__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3, double a4)
int v5; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h] BYREF
const char *v6; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-38h]
const char *v7; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
int v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]
const char *v9; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]
int v10; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
const char *v11; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]
puts("Welcome to our global weather database!");
puts("What city are you interested in?");
__isoc99_scanf("%100s", s2);
if ( !strcmp("London", s2) )
v10 = 5;
v11 = "W";
v7 = "rain";
v8 = 1337;
v9 = "mm";
v5 = 10;
v6 = "°C";
else if ( !strcmp("Moscow", s2) )
v10 = 7;
v11 = "N";
v7 = "snow";
v8 = 250;
v9 = "cm";
v5 = -30;
v6 = "°C";
else if ( !strcmp("Miami", s2) )
v10 = 1;
v11 = "NE";
v7 = "sweat";
v8 = 100;
v9 = "ml";
v5 = 31337;
v6 = "°F";
v10 = 10;
v11 = "SW";
v7 = "nothing";
v8 = 0;
v9 = (const char *)&unk_30BE;
v5 = 15;
v6 = "°C";
puts("Weather for today:");
printf("Precipitation: %P\n", &v7, a4);
printf("Wind: %W\n", &v10);
printf("Temperature: %T\n", &v5);
printf("Flag: %F\n", a4);
return 0LL;
Well, the main function seems to have nothing to do with the flag...
Nevertheless, several special specifiers, such as %P
, %W
, %T
, and %F
, are presented in the format string. This implies that the generation of the flag may have something to do with customized specifiers.
After some investigation, I end up in a function located at 0x2328
, which contains several lines of code regarding register_printf_function
int register()
register_printf_function('W', (printf_function *)sub_2190, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo);
register_printf_function('P', (printf_function *)sub_21E0, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo);
register_printf_function('T', (printf_function *)sub_225A, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo);
register_printf_function('F', (printf_function *)sub_22AA, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo);
register_printf_function('C', (printf_function *)sub_2097, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('M', (printf_function *)sub_1185, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('S', (printf_function *)sub_12DC, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('O', (printf_function *)sub_143B, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('X', (printf_function *)sub_159A, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('V', (printf_function *)sub_16FA, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('N', (printf_function *)sub_185A, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('L', (printf_function *)sub_19B8, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('R', (printf_function *)sub_1B19, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('E', (printf_function *)sub_1C7A, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
register_printf_function('I', (printf_function *)sub_1DD9, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
return register_printf_function('U', (printf_function *)sub_1F38, (printf_arginfo_function *)arginfo2);
Well, we have already seen %P
, %W
, %T
, and %F
specifiers. After some brief reconnaissance, the remaining specifiers as well as their corresponding print_function
s seem to insinuate a virtual machine written in format string.
Now, let's analyze the specifiers. We can inspect each arginfo
structure with gdb. Take %C
as an example:
pwndbg> p *(printf_arginfo_function *)0x5555555562f0
$1 = {int (const struct printf_info *, size_t, int *)} 0x5555555562f0
pwndbg> p *(struct printf_info *)0x5555555562f0
$2 = {
prec = -443987883,
width = -125990584,
spec = -260732600 L'\xf0758948',
is_long_double = 0,
is_short = 0,
is_long = 0,
alt = 1,
space = 0,
left = 0,
showsign = 1,
group = 0,
extra = 1,
is_char = 0,
wide = 0,
i18n = 1,
is_binary128 = 0,
__pad = 4,
user = 59477,
pad = 184 L'¸'
__int64 __fastcall sub_2097(FILE *stream, struct printf_info *info, const void *const *args)
int prec; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-Ch]
_BOOL4 v5; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]
prec = info->prec;
if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 0x20) != 0 ) // left space
v5 = dword_70A0[prec] < 0;
else if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 0x40) != 0 ) // show sign
v5 = dword_70A0[prec] > 0;
v5 = info->pad != '0' || dword_70A0[prec] == 0; // pad field
if ( v5 )
fprintf(stream, &a52cS[info->width]);
return 0LL;
So basically the handling function uses left space
, show sign
, and pad field
to determine the value of v5
. If v5
is true, then it will call fprintf
(Which means that the virtual machine will jump to info->width
Take the handling function of %S
as another example:
__int64 __fastcall sub_12DC(FILE *stream, const struct printf_info *info, const void *const *args)
int prec; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-14h]
int width; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-10h]
int v6; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-Ch]
char *v7; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-8h]
width = info->width;
prec = info->prec;
if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 0x20) != 0 ) // left (%-)
v7 = &a52cS[width];
else if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 0x40) != 0 )// show_sign (%+)
v7 = &a52cS[dword_70A0[width]];
v7 = (char *)&dword_70A0[width];
v6 = 0;
if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 13) & 2) != 0 ) // char (%hh)
v6 = *(_DWORD *)&a52cS[prec];
else if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 2) != 0 ) // short (%h)
v6 = *(_DWORD *)&a52cS[dword_70A0[prec]];
else if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 1) != 0 ) // long double (%ll)
v6 = info->prec;
else if ( (*((_BYTE *)info + 12) & 4) != 0 ) // long (%l and %11, but %11 enters previous else if)
v6 = dword_70A0[prec];
*(_DWORD *)v7 += v6;
return 0LL;
The function uses left
and showsign
to calculate an address v7
. Similarly, it uses either char
or short
or long double
or long
to calculate the value v6
. Finally, it adds v6
to [v7]
. All of the other specifiers perform similar calculation. Below is a breif summary of the operations done by each handling function:
: conditional branching%M
: =%S
: +%O
: -%X
: *%V
: /%N
: %%L
: <<%R
: >>%E
: ^%I
: &%U
: |printf
assembly codeWe can observer several suspicious format strings via strings
Hmmm. %52C%s
looks familiar. If we examine the handling function of specifier %F
__int64 __fastcall sub_22AA(FILE *stream, const struct printf_info *info, const void *const *args, const char *a4)
return (unsigned int)fprintf(stream, "%52C%s", **(_QWORD **)args, a4);
We can clearly see that the string %52C%s
is provided as the second parameter of fprintf
. Correspondingly, it is to appropriate to postulate that %52C%s
is the entry point of the printf virtual machine.
Hence, it is clear that our first goal is to come up with a printf virtual machine disassembler.
import re
import sys
regex = re.compile('([+-0])?([0-9]*)\.?([0-9]*)?([a-z]*)([A-Za-z])')
counter = 0
with open('assembly', 'r') as f:
fmt_str = f.read()
fmt_strs = fmt_str.split('\n')
for fmt_str in fmt_strs:
fmt_specs = fmt_str.split('%')
for fmt in fmt_specs:
if fmt == '':
print('{:08x} '.format(counter), end = '')
counter += len(fmt) + 1
g = regex.match(fmt).groups(0)
if g[4] == 'C':
if g[0] == 0:
print('branch {:#x}'.format(int(g[1])))
elif g[0] == '0':
print('if (reg{} == 0) branch {:#x}'.format(g[2], int(g[1])))
elif g[0] == '+':
print('if (reg{} > 0) branch {:#x}'.format(g[2], int(g[1])))
elif g[0] == '-':
print('if (reg{} < 0) branch {:#x}'.format(g[2], int(g[1])))
# Probably used to print the flag
# It's ok to temporarily ignore it
elif g[4] == 's':
if g[0] == '0' and g[1] == '':
g = (0, '0', g[2], g[3], g[4])
if g[0] == 0:
print('reg{}'.format(g[1]), end = '')
elif g[0] == '+':
print('[reg{}]'.format(g[1]), end = '')
elif g[0] == '-':
print('[{:#x}]'.format(int(g[1])), end = '')
if g[4] == 'M':
print(' = ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'S':
print(' += ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'O':
print(' -= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'X':
print(' *= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'V':
print(' /= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'N':
print(' %= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'L':
print(' <<= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'R':
print(' >>= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'E':
print(' ^= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'I':
print(' &= ', end = '')
elif g[4] == 'U':
print(' |= ', end = '')
if g[3] == 'hh':
elif g[3] == 'h':
elif g[3] == 'll':
elif g[3] == 'l':
print('{:08x} '.format(counter), end = '')
counter += 1
Disassembling the two suspicious format strings yields the following pseudo assembly code:
00000000 branch 0x34
00000004 nop
00000006 return
00000007 reg3 = [reg1]
0000000d reg3 ^= reg0
00000013 [reg1] = reg3
0000001a reg1 += 0x4
00000021 reg3 = reg1
00000027 reg3 -= reg2
0000002d if (reg3 < 0) branch 0x7
00000033 return
00000034 reg0 = [0x1000]
0000003e reg0 &= 0xff
00000047 reg1 = reg0
0000004d reg1 <<= 0x8
00000054 reg0 |= reg1
0000005a reg1 = reg0
00000060 reg1 <<= 0x10
00000068 reg0 |= reg1
0000006e reg1 = 0xc8
00000077 reg2 = 0x6fc
00000081 branch 0x7
00000084 [0x1800] = 0x656e6f6e
00000098 reg0 = [0xc8]
000000a1 reg0 &= 0xff
000000aa reg0 -= 0x25
000000b2 if (reg0 == 0) branch 0xc8
000000ba return
According to the assembly, the purpose of function 0x7
is to xor the byte from address reg1
to address reg2
with character reg0
. Function 0x34
jumps to function 0x7
with argument (0x25 ('%'), 0xc8, 0x6fc) and check whether the character at 0xc8 is 0x25. If the condition is true, the main function will jumps to 0xc8.
This part of the assembly code has nothing to do with the generation of the flag. Hence, let's grab the bytes between 0xc8 & 0x6fc and xor these bytes with '%'.
from pwn import ELF
elf = ELF('./weather')
fmt_xor = elf.read(0x5148, 0x634)
xor_char = fmt_xor[0] ^ ord('%')
fmt_str = bytes(x ^ xor_char for x in fmt_xor)
fmt_str = fmt_str.replace(b'\0', b'\n')
fmt_str = fmt_str.decode()
Now, let's disassemble each format string and analyze it one by one.
First, let's focus on the function at 0xc8:
000000c8 reg4 = 0x1388
000000d2 reg0 = 0x3390
000000dd branch 0x151
000000e2 reg0 = 0x0
000000e9 branch 0x1f4
000000ee branch 0x4ee
000000f4 if (reg0 == 0) branch 0x28d
000000fc return
It looks like this function set reg4 to 0x1338 and reg0 to 0x3390, tries to call several functions related to flag generation, checks if the result is 0, and jumps to 0x28d if the condition is met. Since these interal functions are essential to our flag generation, it is natural for us to investigate them in details.
Now, let's examine function 0x151 and its accompanied sub functions:
000000fd reg1 = 0x0
00000104 return
00000105 reg3 = reg0
0000010b reg3 %= reg2
00000111 if (reg3 == 0) branch 0xfd
00000119 reg2 += 0x1
00000120 reg3 = reg2
00000126 reg3 *= reg3
0000012c reg3 -= reg0
00000132 reg3 -= 0x1
00000139 if (reg3 < 0) branch 0x105
00000141 return
00000142 [reg4] = reg0
00000149 reg4 += 0x2
00000150 return
00000151 reg1 = 0x1
00000158 reg2 = 0x2
0000015f branch 0x105
00000164 if (reg1 > 0) branch 0x142
0000016c reg0 += 0x1
00000173 reg1 = 0x3520
0000017e reg1 -= reg0
00000184 if (reg1 > 0) branch 0x151
0000018c return
So basically the function first set reg1 to 1 and reg2 to 2 and jumps to 0x105 first. Then, it gradually perform reg3 % reg2
(a.k.a reg0 % reg2), starting from 2 and stopping when reg3 * reg3 >= reg0
. from 0x1111 we can see that if reg3 % reg2 == 0
(which means that reg2 is a factor of reg3), then the function will call 0xfd and set reg1 to 0.
Sounds familiar, right? It appears that function 0x105 is a prime checker!
Now, let's go back to function 0x151. after calling 0x105, if reg1 is greater that 0, which means that reg0 is a prime number, the function will jump to 0x142, which stores reg0 into reg4. After that, reg4 will increment itself by 2, and the loop continues until 0x3520.
In conclusion, what this function tries to do is to calculate all primes within 0x3390 and 0x3520, then store all of these primes in 0x1388 as an int16_t array.
0000018d reg0 = 0x0
00000194 return
00000195 reg0 /= 0x2
0000019c return
0000019d reg0 *= 0x3
000001a4 reg0 += 0x1
000001ab return
000001ac reg1 = reg0
000001b2 reg1 %= 0x2
000001b9 if (reg1 == 0) branch 0x195
000001c1 if (reg1 > 0) branch 0x19d
000001c9 branch 0x1d6
000001ce reg0 += 0x1
000001d5 return
000001d6 reg1 = reg0
000001dc reg1 -= 0x1
000001e3 if (reg1 == 0) branch 0x18d
000001eb if (reg1 > 0) branch 0x1ac
000001f3 return
000001f4 reg2 = reg0
000001fa reg2 += 0x1000
00000204 reg4 = [reg2]
0000020a reg4 &= 0xff
00000213 if (reg4 > 0) branch 0x21c
0000021b return
0000021c reg2 = reg0
00000222 reg2 *= 0x2
00000229 reg2 += 0x1388
00000233 reg2 = [reg2]
00000239 reg2 &= 0xff
00000242 reg4 ^= reg2
00000248 reg0 += 0x1
0000024f reg2 = reg0
00000255 branch 0x1d6
0000025a reg4 += reg0
00000260 reg4 &= 0xff
00000269 reg0 = reg2
0000026f reg2 -= 0x1
00000276 reg2 += 0x1194
00000280 [reg2] = reg4
00000287 branch 0x1f4
0000028c return
Well, after spotting function 0x195 and function 0x19d, I immediately thought of the Collatz conjecture (3n+1 problem)!
I won't go into details here since the assembly are quite lengthy.
In conclusion, what the function is trying to do is calculate ((primes[i] & 0xff)) + Collatz(i + 1)) & 0xff
and store these values in 0x1194 as a byte array.
000004ee reg0 = 0x0
000004f5 reg1 = 0x0
000004fc reg1 += 0x1194
00000506 reg1 = [reg1]
0000050c reg2 = 0x0
00000513 reg2 += 0x51eddb21
00000523 reg2 += 0x648c4a88
00000533 reg2 += 0x4355a74c
00000543 reg1 ^= reg2
00000549 reg0 |= reg1
0000054f reg1 = 0x4
00000556 reg1 += 0x1194
00000560 reg1 = [reg1]
00000566 reg2 = 0x0
0000056d reg2 += 0x32333645
0000057c reg2 += 0x58728e64
0000058c reg1 ^= reg2
00000592 reg0 |= reg1
00000598 reg1 = 0x8
0000059f reg1 += 0x1194
000005a9 reg1 = [reg1]
000005af reg2 = 0x0
000005b6 reg2 += 0x6f57a0a3
000005c6 reg1 ^= reg2
000005cc reg0 |= reg1
000005d2 reg1 = 0xc
000005da reg1 += 0x1194
000005e4 reg1 = [reg1]
000005ea reg2 = 0x0
000005f1 reg2 += 0x22d9bbcc
00000600 reg2 += 0x569fcabc
00000610 reg1 ^= reg2
00000616 reg0 |= reg1
0000061c reg1 = 0x10
00000624 reg1 += 0x1194
0000062e reg1 = [reg1]
00000634 reg2 = 0x0
0000063b reg2 += 0xd531548
0000064a reg1 ^= reg2
00000650 reg0 |= reg1
00000656 reg1 = 0x14
0000065e reg1 += 0x1194
00000668 reg1 = [reg1]
0000066e reg2 = 0x0
00000675 reg2 += 0x74c2318e
00000685 reg2 += 0x7233f6a3
00000695 reg1 ^= reg2
0000069b reg0 |= reg1
000006a1 reg1 = 0x18
000006a9 reg1 += 0x1194
000006b3 reg1 = [reg1]
000006b9 reg2 = 0x0
000006c0 reg2 += 0x6d12a1c5
000006d0 reg2 += 0x6c3422b6
000006e0 reg2 += 0xf213d9a
000006ef reg1 ^= reg2
000006f5 reg0 |= reg1
000006fb return
0000028d reg0 = 0x75bcd15
0000029c reg1 = 0x0
000002a3 reg1 += 0x1000
000002ad reg1 = [reg1]
000002b3 reg0 ^= reg1
000002b9 reg2 = 0x0
000002c0 reg2 += 0x3278f102
000002cf reg2 ^= reg0
000002d5 reg1 = 0x0
000002dc reg1 += 0x1800
000002e6 [reg1] = reg2
000002ed reg1 = 0x4
000002f4 reg1 += 0x1000
000002fe reg1 = [reg1]
00000304 reg0 ^= reg1
0000030a reg2 = 0x0
00000311 reg2 += 0x560aa747
00000321 reg2 ^= reg0
00000327 reg1 = 0x4
0000032e reg1 += 0x1800
00000338 [reg1] = reg2
0000033f reg1 = 0x8
00000346 reg1 += 0x1000
00000350 reg1 = [reg1]
00000356 reg0 ^= reg1
0000035c reg2 = 0x0
00000363 reg2 += 0x3e6fd176
00000373 reg2 ^= reg0
00000379 reg1 = 0x8
00000380 reg1 += 0x1800
0000038a [reg1] = reg2
00000391 reg1 = 0xc
00000399 reg1 += 0x1000
000003a3 reg1 = [reg1]
000003a9 reg0 ^= reg1
000003af reg2 = 0x0
000003b6 reg2 += 0x156d86fa
000003c5 reg2 += 0x66c93320
000003d5 reg2 ^= reg0
000003db reg1 = 0xc
000003e3 reg1 += 0x1800
000003ed [reg1] = reg2
000003f4 reg1 = 0x10
000003fc reg1 += 0x1000
00000406 reg1 = [reg1]
0000040c reg0 ^= reg1
00000412 reg2 = 0x0
00000419 reg2 += 0xe5dbc23
00000428 reg2 ^= reg0
0000042e reg1 = 0x10
00000436 reg1 += 0x1800
00000440 [reg1] = reg2
00000447 reg1 = 0x14
0000044f reg1 += 0x1000
00000459 reg1 = [reg1]
0000045f reg0 ^= reg1
00000465 reg2 = 0x0
0000046c reg2 += 0xd3f894c
0000047b reg2 ^= reg0
00000481 reg1 = 0x14
00000489 reg1 += 0x1800
00000493 [reg1] = reg2
0000049a reg1 = 0x18
000004a2 reg1 += 0x1000
000004ac reg1 = [reg1]
000004b2 reg0 ^= reg1
000004b8 reg2 = 0x0
000004bf reg2 += 0x324fe212
000004ce reg2 ^= reg0
000004d4 reg1 = 0x18
000004dc reg1 += 0x1800
000004e6 [reg1] = reg2
000004ed return
These 2 functions look like flag generation code!
Again, I won't go into much detail here. In short, these two functions perform a series of operations on your input, and then check whether the values obtained after these operations are equal to some array of values. This kind of operation involving sophisticated xor operations byte by byte are often seen in CTF. Since the flag generation function operates byte by byte, it is possible to brute force each character one by one and obtain the flag.
The full flag generation script can be found below.
primes = [13217, 13219, 13229, 13241, 13249, 13259, 13267, 13291, 13297, 13309, 13313, 13327, 13331, 13337, 13339, 13367, 13381, 13397, 13399, 13411, 13417, 13421, 13441, 13451, 13457, 13463, 13469, 13477, 13487, 13499, 13513, 13523, 13537, 13553, 13567, 13577, 13591, 13597]
magic = 123456789
secrets = [846786818, 1443538759, 1047515510, 359499514 + 1724461856, 241024035, 222267724, 844096018]
sanity = [1374542625 + 1686915720 + 1129686860, 842217029 + 1483902564, 1868013731, 584694732 + 1453312700, 223548744, 1958883726 + 1916008099, 1829937605 + 1815356086 + 253836698]
sanity_bytes = b''.join(i.to_bytes(4, 'little') for i in sanity)
def three_n_plus_one(n):
if n == 1:
return 0
if n % 2 == 0:
n //= 2
n = 3 * n + 1
t = three_n_plus_one(n)
return t + 1
chars = []
for i in range(28):
for c in range(255):
if ((c ^ (primes[i] & 0xff)) + three_n_plus_one(i + 1)) & 0xff == sanity_bytes[i]:
flag = b''
for i in range(7):
char_int = int.from_bytes(bytes(chars[i * 4: (i + 1) * 4]), 'little')
magic ^= char_int
flag_part = magic ^ secrets[i]
flag += flag_part.to_bytes(4, 'little')