Tags: appnote googlectf zip misc
Rating: 5.0
Every single archive manager unpacks this to a different file...
With regular extraction the challenge archive, dump.zip, contains a single file, hello.txt, with the content:
There's more to it than meets the eye...
Analyzing the archive with strings
shows that the archive contains entries for another text file, hi.txt, and for files with the names flag00 to flag18, with 36 different versions each.
The flagXX file versions contain the letters a-z, {, C, T, F, 0, 1, 3, 7, } and _.
The file hi.txt however contains the text:
Find the needle in the haystack...
Analyzing the file with binwalk
confirms that the archive entries for all of these files exist.
However the zip format is obviously manipulated in such a way that they are not extracted.
The documentation of the zip format is called APPNOTE.TXT. According to it the regular structure of a zip file is:
The cursive parts are optional parts used for features like Zip64 or encryption.
Analyzing dump.zip with a hex editor reveals that it uses the following structure:
While Local File Headers are usually not allowed in the Central Directory Structure the archive is still valid because each Central Directory Entry simply declares the rest of the file up to last End Of Central Directory Record as its file comment.
Thus only the first file, hello.txt, is extractable.
The remaining End Of Central Directory Records reference the correct Central Directory Header for the remaining files though using the offset to the Central Directory Structure.
It is possible (and relatively quick) to simply jump to all those positions and read the flag characters from the File Data directly before that position.
Since I already experimented with code manipulating zip archives while solving the challenge I also provide a script that copies all the desired headers to a valid zip file and outputs the flag CTF{p0s7m0d3rn_z1p}