Tags: hex hex2raw 

Rating: 5.0

The challenge description talks about speaking in hexadecimal. The standard way to encode strings in hex is to convert each character to its ASCII code, convert that to hex, and concatenate the bytes (one character is a byte, which is in turn 8 bits). You can use an online converter/decoder like [https://string-functions.com/hex-string.aspx](https://string-functions.com/hex-string.aspx)), another converter tool, or you could write a simple converter.
Here's a simple decoder that you could write:
hex_string = input('Hex string: ')
converted = ''
for i in range(0, len(hex_string), 2):
# b = the byte as a python integer
b = int(hex_string[i]+hex_string[i+1], 16)
# add this byte to the final result string
converted += chr(b)
After you convert the string, you get the flag, which is `LITCTF{t0ol5_4nd_w3bs1t3s_ar3_v3ry_imp0rt4nt_f0r_CTF}`.