Tags: caesar caesar_shift 


Downloading the text file, we find the text `YVGPGS{J3yp0z3_G0_Y1GPGS}`. Now this looks like the flag, but it isn't because the flag format is `LITCTF{}` not `YVGPGS{}`. The problem statement talks about caesar salad, which reminds us of the Caesar cipher. We don't know the shift, but we can find it by hand using frequency analysis or comparing known letters. Or we could just use an online tool like [https://www.dcode.fr/caesar-cipher](https://www.dcode.fr/caesar-cipher) that brute forces through every combination. Running the tool on the encrypted flag, we see a list of possible plaintexts. Looking through the list, we see that the one with shift 13 has the correct flag format, and we find that the flag is `LITCTF{W3lc0m3_T0_L1TCTF}`.