Tags: misc intro miscellaneous 


Let's go to the [first link](https://lit.lhsmathcs.org/ctfres). The first half of the flag is written at the bottom of the page, and it is `LITCTF{1_h0p3_y0u_didnt_s`. Now let's go to the [second link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QCkheqOp3s&ab_channel=LexMACS). At the [33:20 mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QCkheqOp3s&t=2000), we see the second part of the flag, which is `k1p_0ur_op3n1ng_c3r3mony}`. Finally, we see that the flag is `LITCTF{1_h0p3_y0u_didnt_sk1p_0ur_op3n1ng_c3r3mony}`.