
# GeoGuessr Hard Mode


This GeoGuessr was definately the hardest. An immediate observation revealed an Orange Money kiosk, a building called `Hotel De Ville` (French for "Town Hall"), and the Pan-African colors painted on the tree, leading to the suspicion that the location in question was definately in a French-speaking country in Africa.


The only country with major Google Streetview coverage that covered the above criteria was Senegal (but we still checked other places), and from there we found the town hall of Tambacounda purely from trial and error (there were around 14ish Hotel De Ville's in Africa), leading to the answer of `LITCTF{13.775,-13.669}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/CTF-Team-PlusPlusC/LITCTF2022-Writeups/blob/main/geoguessrhard/README.md).