Tags: flask oauth web python 



1. Register a normal user, who will catch the notes.
2. Register an account on one of the 4 oauth providers (discord, reddit, github and gitlab) with the same name as the user with the flag.
3. Register to the website using one of the 4 oAuth providers.
4. Make several requests to share notes from the ctfzone_admin with our normal user.
5. Log in to normal user account an read the flag.

[Read more](https://github.com/kukuxumushi/Writeups/blob/main/CTFZONE2022/Social%20Notes%20writeup/SocialNoteswriteup.md)

Original writeup (https://github.com/kukuxumushi/Writeups/blob/main/CTFZONE2022/Social%20Notes%20writeup/SocialNoteswriteup.md).