VM-v2 [Reversing, 482 points, 13 solves, 2nd solver]
### Description
>Yet another VM challenge.
>Note: this fixes an unintended solution to vm. The only change is in the `data.txt` file.
>Author: kz
> * [chal.sv](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/chal.sv)
> * [prog.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/prog.txt)
> * [data.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/data.txt)
> * [data2.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/data2.txt)
### Overview
The challenge name and description indicate that this challenge involves a custom CPU architecture and instruction set. I'm a huge fan of those types of challenges, so I immediately jumped on this challenge when I started in this CTF. Taking a look at the [prog.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/prog.txt) and [data.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/data.txt) files, we can see that they are text files containing a bunch of hex values. Then we get another file called [chal.sv](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/chal.sv). I didn't know what that file extension meant, but after opening it in a code editor, I can see that it looks a lot like Verilog. I've never really used Verilog before, but I'm vaguely familiar with how it works. As it turns out, `.sv` files are SystemVerilog, which I think is like an extension to Verilog. Both Verilog and SystemVerilog are HDL languages (hardware description language), meaning they are code files that describe a hardware logic circuit (like a processor). Therefore, based on the idea that this is a custom CPU challenge and that we are given a hardware description of a circuit, it's clear that this file must implement a full CPU that can execute instructions from the `prog.txt` file.
### De-obfuscating the SystemVerilog code
Sadly, the challenge author wasn't very kind to players. All of the variable names (except for `flag`) were replaced with randomly generated alphanumeric strings. Therefore, the SystemVerilog code we have to reverse engineer looks like this:
module Ol8vW(eo3,nF3,QU6cTlk,Jpup6gEow,nFOoEI7Dnl,QV,pb);
input eo3,nF3,pb;
input [7:0] QU6cTlk;
output [7:0] Jpup6gEow,nFOoEI7Dnl;
input [2:0] QV;
parameter WXifi4fqUy9NY = 16;
logic [7:0] fgS [2**WXifi4fqUy9NY-1:0];
logic [WXifi4fqUy9NY-1:0] gPrDVGD;
always_ff @(posedge eo3) begin
As a point of reference, after I manually reverse engineered the whole file and renamed everything, that same code looks like this:
module Stack(clock,reset,pushValue,poppedHigh,poppedLow,stackOp,stackEnable);
input clock,reset,stackEnable;
input [7:0] pushValue;
output [7:0] poppedHigh,poppedLow;
input [2:0] stackOp;
parameter stackBytes = 16;
logic [7:0] stackMem [2**stackBytes-1:0];
logic [stackBytes-1:0] stackPointer;
always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
> Note: Likely, the names that I came up with aren't exactly the same as the original names. In fact, one thing I noticed while reversing this code is that the lengths of the randomly generated names appear to all match the lengths of whatever the original names were in the source code. In this case, `eo3` probably was `clk` (I named it `clock`) in the original code.
The process for deobfuscating this SystemVerilog file was almost identical to reverse engineering any program in IDA. I just tried to reason about the components, and I renamed things for clarity as I went. Eventually, the code was completely deobfuscated, which you can see in [chal_edit.sv](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/chal_edit.sv). I also took some notes to understand how the architecture works: [notes.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/notes.txt).
### Understanding the CPU architecture
Now that the code has been fully reverse engineered, let's dive into how this CPU works:
* 12-bit instructions
* Program counter register (`PC`)
* A zero flag (`ZF`)
* Separate program and data memory (Harvard architecture)
* No general-purpose registers (stack-based architecture)
* Call stack (holds 10 bytes; stack pointer is `cSP`)
* Data stack (holds 10 bytes; stack pointer is `dSP`)
* 8-bit code addresses (maximum of 256 12-bit instructions)
* 8-bit data addresses (total of 256 bytes of RAM)
Instructions are 12 bits: the top 4 bits are the opcode, then the bottom 8 bits are an immediate value (like `push 0x42`). As the opcode is 4 bits, it could define up to 16 different instructions. In this case, all 16 are defined as follows (using my names):
| Opcode | Instruction | Operation |
| `0` | `add` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a + b)` |
| `1` | `sub` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a - b)` |
| `2` | `xor` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a ^ b)` |
| `3` | `and` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a & b)` |
| `4` | `or` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a OR b)` |
| `5` | `shl` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a << b)` |
| `6` | `shr` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(a >> b)` |
| `7` | `pop` | `dSP--` |
| `8` | `jmp imm8` | `PC = imm8` |
| `9` | `call imm8` | `cSP.push(PC + 1); PC = imm8` |
| `A` | `ret` | `PC = cSP.pop()` |
| `B` | `jzr imm8` | `if (ZF) { PC = imm8; }` |
| `C` | `push imm8` | `*dSP++ = imm8` |
| `D` | `ldm` | `a = dSP.pop(); dSP.push(DATAMEM[a])` |
| `E` | `stm` | `a = dSP.pop(); b = dSP.pop(); DATAMEM[b] = a` |
| `F` | `halt` | `while(1) {}` |
The first 7 instructions (opcodes `0`-`6`) are ALU instructions, which change the value of `ZF` when the execute. If the result of the computation is zero, `ZF` is set to 1 (true). Otherwise, `ZF` is cleared. The value of `ZF` is used by the `jzr` (jump-if-zero) instruction to decide whether or not to jump to the target address. That pretty much sums up how this architecture works!
### Writing a disassembler, emulator, and interactive debugger
So I'll start by admitting that when it comes to challenges with custom CPU architectures, I love to get carried away and do more than is needed to solve the challenge. In this case, I ended up writing a full disassembler, emulator, and interactive debugger as part of this challenge. To be fair, it only took ~300 lines of Python code to achieve this: [emu.py](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/emu.py). The debugger was really useful for setting breakpoints, stepping through instructions, and watching memory/stack values change. The emulator also has a couple of really neat features, namely that it can write a trace log of instructions as they're executed and count the number of instructions executed (which will come in handy for this challenge later). It's also fun to use the `watch` debugger command then `c` to continue execution of the program. This will show the full contents of RAM every time a byte is changed. Here's an example of the program running in the debugger and some of the commands:
PC: 00
Call stack:
Data stack:
Next instructions:
00: push 0x80
01: push 0x7f
02: stm
03: push 0x80
04: ldm
(dbg) si
PC: 01
Call stack:
Data stack:
(0x0, 0x80)
Next instructions:
01: push 0x7f
02: stm
03: push 0x80
04: ldm
05: push 0x80
PC: 02
Call stack:
Data stack:
(0x0, 0x80, 0x7f)
Next instructions:
02: stm
03: push 0x80
04: ldm
05: push 0x80
06: ldm
(dbg) mem
Memory dump:
00: a4 f4 61 9b 1f 28 81 9a 99 74 11 a9 67 cf 1a 47 ..a..(...t..g..G
10: 4c c6 48 b2 e0 d8 d6 86 0f e5 68 96 03 14 b9 9d L.H.......h.....
20: a2 c9 83 fe a3 74 df 2f 51 cb 21 0b 53 c8 8c 69 .....t./Q.!.S..i
30: 1e 38 c8 c7 1e f2 cd ec 2b 0a 5a 80 97 ea 94 f5 .8......+.Z.....
40: 9e ae 70 2f 31 b1 b0 42 e6 a8 a3 5a 97 9b 31 9c ..p/1..B...Z..1.
50: c5 73 06 a1 86 3b b0 c9 a2 5c 99 e0 24 af e6 d6 .s...;...\..$...
60: bb 99 46 c1 42 c3 9f 66 8c 4a 88 ac dd 05 73 29 ..F.B..f.J....s)
70: 8a 18 b0 e3 d5 a5 a3 6b 76 95 b0 e5 10 2a d7 a1 .......kv....*..
80: 33 55 51 53 a7 59 84 eb e1 45 63 05 b6 bb 60 60 3UQS.Y...Ec...``
90: 6f fe 7b 4f da dd 12 93 6c 10 dc 56 1a 6d 6f 0c o.{O....l..V.mo.
A0: 3f bb 49 00 34 1e 17 81 69 ce 04 70 a5 ad b9 76 ?.I.4...i..p...v
B0: 23 e7 a8 f4 05 a5 7a 4b a1 0f 7f a3 6a 5a 30 6e #.....zK....jZ0n
C0: 03 71 6e 3f 7e 75 79 72 24 50 57 6e 17 3a 11 1b .qn?~uyr$PWn.:..
D0: 73 2a 26 23 4a 57 4e 2c 20 0a 28 28 6c 21 20 47 s*&#JWN, .((l! G
E0: 71 0c 22 30 1c 70 6d 3b 6c 73 57 2a ad 2a 85 bf q."0.pm;lsW*.*..
F0: 35 34 0d d9 19 67 7c 51 2a 7e 3e 2c bc 41 67 c0 54...g|Q*~>,.Ag.
(dbg) break 7D
(dbg) c
Hit breakpoint at 7D
PC: 7D
Call stack:
(0x0, 0x2e)
Data stack:
(0x0, 0x0)
Next instructions:
7D: push 0x81
7E: ldm
7F: push 0x80
80: ldm
81: ldm
(dbg) mem
Memory dump:
00: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f ................
10: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f ................
20: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f !"#$%&'()*+,-./
30: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0123456789:;<=>?
40: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
50: 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
60: 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f `abcdefghijklmno
70: 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f pqrstuvwxyz{|}~.
80: 00 2a 51 53 a7 59 84 eb e1 45 63 05 b6 bb 60 60 .*QS.Y...Ec...``
90: 6f fe 7b 4f da dd 12 93 6c 10 dc 56 1a 6d 6f 0c o.{O....l..V.mo.
A0: 3f bb 49 00 34 1e 17 81 69 ce 04 70 a5 ad b9 76 ?.I.4...i..p...v
B0: 23 e7 a8 f4 05 a5 7a 4b a1 0f 7f a3 6a 5a 30 6e #.....zK....jZ0n
C0: 03 71 6e 3f 7e 75 79 72 24 50 57 6e 17 3a 11 1b .qn?~uyr$PWn.:..
D0: 73 2a 26 23 4a 57 4e 2c 20 0a 28 28 6c 21 20 47 s*&#JWN, .((l! G
E0: 71 0c 22 30 1c 70 6d 3b 6c 73 57 2a ad 2a 85 bf q."0.pm;lsW*.*..
F0: 35 34 0d d9 19 67 7c 51 2a 7e 3e 2c bc 41 67 c0 54...g|Q*~>,.Ag.
(dbg) q
Note that the above debug session is running using [data2.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/data2.txt) (the data file for the vm-2 challenge, NOT vm-1). In fact, if I use the `mem` debugger command before executing any instructions with the `data1.txt` file, you can see the problem and why it had an unintended solution:
(dbg) mem
Memory dump:
00: bb 4d 00 80 cb 15 9c ef 90 b9 1f 8b 41 30 07 e1 .M..........A0..
10: 76 64 eb 44 eb 11 d0 4c ea 1c f5 96 6a ea 6c 2f vd.D...L....j.l/
20: 04 27 e6 d4 56 80 52 38 59 59 c5 aa 82 94 df ab .'..V.R8YY......
30: da a3 41 47 c4 53 b3 d5 83 fc 56 a1 43 30 97 0d ..AG.S....V.C0..
40: 48 ea 49 d2 5b 77 0e 26 ab d9 f4 e6 61 49 e5 6e H.I.[w.&....aI.n
50: 33 d4 bb 42 ef e4 fd 4c 93 56 0c 81 2a 63 84 be 3..B...L.V..*c..
60: d9 9f 5f a8 f7 ee b8 77 39 b9 db 4e 27 73 a8 89 .._....w9..N's..
70: 75 89 c5 d8 c5 95 3a 1d bc 24 83 50 07 1e 74 12 u.....:..$.P..t.
80: fa 7f 04 1f 72 87 33 ac ae 8a 85 1b 6d 61 70 6c ....r.3.....mapl
90: 65 7b 76 69 72 74 75 61 6c 5f 6d 61 63 68 69 6e e{virtual_machin
A0: 65 5f 6d 6f 72 65 5f 6c 69 6b 65 5f 76 65 72 69 e_more_like_veri
B0: 6c 6f 67 5f 6d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 7d 01 32 1b 67 log_machine}.2.g
C0: 6a 4e 63 24 65 44 2a 42 24 36 78 6f 0a 64 32 69 jNc$eD*B$6xo.d2i
D0: 7d 57 5f 18 21 50 1a 15 3e 3f 66 46 2f 42 22 56 }W_.!P..>?fF/B"V
E0: 2e 03 5e 51 61 26 1d 00 1d 6a 35 61 3a b2 4e bd ..^Qa&...j5a:.N.
F0: 7b 9d 70 65 75 60 d8 2b 0b 08 d9 11 9c b4 44 57 {.peu`.+......DW
Yup, the flag was plaintext in the initial data memory! While the flag isn't in plaintext in the updated `data2.txt` file, having this `data.txt` file with the flag in it is actually useful when attempting to solve vm-2.
### The challenge program
A quick mention: from the SystemVerilog code I deobfuscated earlier, it can be seen that the flag should be written into data memory at address 140 (0x8c). The program will write the value 2 to address 135 (0x87) if the flag is correct. Any other value there means the flag is wrong. This can help direct our attention while reverse engineering the program.
Now that we've reverse engineered the CPU architecture and wrote some useful tooling for this challenge, let's dive into how the challenge program works. My annotated disassembly for it is here: [disasm.txt](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/vm-1_and_2/disasm.txt).
As this CPU has a stack-based architecture and no general-purpose registers, absolute memory addresses are used as variables. To show an example of what the code looks like, here's the first block of code that executes in the program:
00: push 0x80
01: push 0x7f
// a = 0x7f
02: stm
* Fills memory like:
* addr = 0x80
* do {
* *addr = addr;
* --addr;
* } while(addr != 0)
* Therefore, each memory location <= 0x80 will have its value set to
* its address.
03: push 0x80
04: ldm
05: push 0x80
06: ldm
// mem[mem[0x80]] = mem[0x80]
07: stm
08: push 0x00
09: push 0x80
0A: ldm
// cmp mem[0x80], 0x00
0B: sub
0C: jzr 0x15 (after_loop)
0D: push 0x80
0E: push 0x01
0F: push 0x80
10: ldm
11: sub
// mem[0x80] -= 1
12: stm
13: pop // pops result of comparison
14: jmp 0x03 (memfill_loop)
//...more code follows...
Lots of the code in this program uses addresses 0x80 and 0x81 as variables, so I refer to them as `a` and `b` for convenience later. However, you may notice that my annotations for the disassembly are incomplete. That's becaused as I was going through the disassembly code and running the challenge in my emulator/debugger, I came to a realization that I didn't need to understand anything more about the code to solve the challenge!
### Exploiting a side-channel vulnerability in the code to brute-force the flag
The program running on the CPU in this challenge contains a side-channel vulnerability. While the output from the program is supposed to just be a binary value (is the flag correct?), another useful output can be extracted. Namely, the total number of instructions executed. The program checks the characters in the flag one at a time (using some XORs against a random string and a permutation array). As soon as one of the characters in the flag is determined to be incorrect, the program will halt. That means that if the first character in the flag is correct, more instructions will be executed than if the first character is wrong.
Using this side-channel leakage, a bruteforce program can be written to build the flag. The idea is pretty simple: start by running the program without any changes to get a baseline for the instruction count. Then, starting at the flag address in the data memory (0x8c), try every possible printable ASCII character (0x20-0x7e), one at a time. As soon as an execution of the program hits a higher instruction count than the baseline, that means the character in the current position is correct! Then, the program advances the memory address being bruteforced, uses the new instruction count as the new baseline, and continues in a loop as long as there is an improvement in the number of instructions executed. The python code that implements my bruteforcer is as follows:
best_inscount = cpu.inscount
# 0x8c is the start of the flag
brute_pos = 0x8c
flag = ""
improved = True
while improved:
improved = False
for c in range(0x20, 0x7f):
data[brute_pos] = c
print("Trying '%s': %d" % (flag + chr(c), cpu.inscount))
if cpu.inscount > best_inscount:
flag += chr(c)
brute_pos += 1
best_inscount = cpu.inscount
improved = True
Here's an excerpt of the bruteforcer running to extract the flag:
Trying 'maple{the_1': 8780
Trying 'maple{the_2': 8780
Trying 'maple{the_3': 8780
Trying 'maple{the_4': 8845
Trying 'maple{the_4 ': 8845
Trying 'maple{the_4k': 8845
Trying 'maple{the_4l': 8910
Trying 'maple{the_4l ': 8910
Trying 'maple{the_4l!': 8910
Trying 'maple{the_4l`': 8910
Trying 'maple{the_4la': 8975
Trying 'maple{the_4la ': 8975
Trying 'maple{the_4la!': 8975
Trying 'maple{the_4laf': 8975
Trying 'maple{the_4lag': 9040
Trying 'maple{the_4lag^': 9040
Trying 'maple{the_4lag_': 9105
Trying 'maple{the_4lag_r': 9105
Trying 'maple{the_4lag_s': 9170
Trying 'maple{the_4lag_shOUld_Not_be_put_1N_initial_RAM|': 11185
Trying 'maple{the_4lag_shOUld_Not_be_put_1N_initial_RAM}': 11190
And there's the flag!
During competition, I was the second solver for this challenge.
After this challenge, I went on to solve [confounded pondering unit](https://github.com/kjcolley7/CTF-WriteUps/blob/master/2022/maple/cpu/README.md), which is another similar custom CPU challenge.