
### Chall Desc : haXOR


There are weird engravings of letters and numbers on rocks in the planet Kimaprim. We've managed to collect one of them.

Credit: Byrch B.


Please decrypt the following: 78 76 74 4A 69 7E 63 6E 00 15 6E 74 50 42 68 4C

Flag format:



### Soln :

We are given a hex code which can be decoded using cyberchef online tool :

Then we need to use xor to the output of hex to get the flag.


#### THE FLAG : IGE{XOR_1$_EasY}


Thank you

Original writeup (https://github.com/ckc1404/CTF_writeups/blob/main/Inter_Gallactic_CTF/Cryptography/haXOR/readme.md).