Tags: python reverse_engineering pyinstaller pyinstxtractor
This challenge is clear about what to do. Some research is needed for the exact tools.
We are given an exe so maybe it's a good idea to move it to a Windows machine:
The fact that this exe was written in Python can be either found by the method above, or by strings
Upon basic research we can guess that pyinstaller
is used for packing the Python code as an .exe. This can be further confirmed by grepping the strings output:
Again upon basic research I arrived at this pyinstall .pyc extractor. It is very easy to use.
We only need the Matrix_Lab.pyc
file, which we can pass to another very useful site: https://www.decompiler.com/
# uncompyle6 version 3.7.4
# Python bytecode 3.7 (3394)
# Decompiled from: Python 2.7.17 (default, Sep 30 2020, 13:38:04)
# [GCC 7.5.0]
# Warning: this version of Python has problems handling the Python 3 "byte" type in constants properly.
# Embedded file name: Matrix_Lab.py
print('Welcome to Matrix Lab 2! Hope you enjoy the journey.')
print('Lab initializing...')
import matlab.engine
engine = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
flag = input('Enter the lab passcode: ').strip()
outcome = False
if len(flag) == 23 and flag[:6] == 'SEKAI{' and flag[-1:] == '}':
A = [ord(i) ^ 42 for i in flag[6:-1]]
B = matlab.double([A[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(A), 4)])
X = [list(map(int, i)) for i in engine.magic(4)]
Y = [list(map(int, i)) for i in engine.pascal(4)]
C = [[None for _ in range(len(X))] for _ in range(len(X))]
for i in range(len(X)):
for j in range(len(X[i])):
C[i][j] = X[i][j] + Y[i][j]
C = matlab.double(C)
if engine.mtimes(C, engine.rot90(engine.transpose(B), 1337)) == matlab.double([[2094, 2962, 1014, 2102], [2172, 3955, 1174, 3266], [3186, 4188, 1462, 3936], [3583, 5995, 1859, 5150]]):
outcome = True
elif outcome:
print('Access Granted! Your input is the flag.')
print('Access Denied! Your flag: SADGE{aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==}')
print('Unknown error. Maybe you are running the lab in an unsupported environment...')
print('Your flag: SADGE{ovg.yl/2M6pWQB}')
For the technical part, I used the online matlab engine to understand the various operations. It's possible to use sage or numpy while reading matlab's documentation but I figured that it's faster that way, also I can't really remember those steps.
Finally XORing all values with 42 gives the final flag body.