Tags: unity reverse_engineering 


Skills involved: Reversing Unity Game

This super-fun challenge is clear about what to do but there are a lot of ways.


We are given a Build folder with PerfectMatch.exe and amongst other files, UnityPlayer.dll.

The game is a simple version of Fall Guy's Perfect Match, but the third stage cannot be passed no matter what. That need to change.

Here is a quick guide to Unity game hacking:


Since I already have dnSpy, I can just load the Assembly-CSharp.dll in it. This way I do not need Unity editors.


I knew breakpoints can be set in it for single binaries, and the local variable values can be changed in dnSpy but I'm not familiar with dnspy and C# in general. I was hinted that that I can edit the decompiled source and compile it back then.

  • I was able to bypass the -20 y value check for gameover very easily (HeightCheck.Update()), but I found out the flags are hidden after the Scoreboards and I can't see them.
  • I could disable gravity and jump towards both scoreboards while dashing: (MoveBehaviour.MovementManagement)
    • This is not a very stable method and I always got stuck
    • I can end up very high above and can't see the flags
    • Sometimes I was lucky that I could move horizontally freely even after jumping away, I cannot repeat it

I finally disabled gravity and set the game to win at 1 round (GameManager.IncreaseRound). This way my height is will not be very large and the flag pieces are still visible. (the first image was mirrored)

image image

P.S. I have to Save Module after Compiling the Class/Methods and select Mixed mode, otherwise the classes cannot be edited again. I'm not sure what that meant.

P.S.2. This challenge can be trivially solved by grepping SEKAI and finding the strings in level0 - modding the game is much more enjoyable though.

Original writeup (https://github.com/RaccoonNinja/Project-SEKAI-CTF-2022-Writeups/blob/main/reverse/Perfect%20Match%20X-treme.md).