Tags: unity reverse_engineering 


## Skills involved: Reversing Unity Game

This super-fun challenge is clear about what to do but there are a lot of ways.

## Solution:

We are given a Build folder with `PerfectMatch.exe` and amongst other files, `UnityPlayer.dll`.

The game is a simple version of [Fall Guy's Perfect Match](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edifg0uMzxU), but the third stage cannot be passed no matter what. That need to change.

Here is a quick guide to [Unity game hacking](https://github.com/imadr/Unity-game-hacking):


Since I already have dnSpy, I can just load the `Assembly-CSharp.dll` in it. This way I do not need Unity editors.


I knew breakpoints can be set in it for single binaries, and the local variable values can be changed in dnSpy but I'm not familiar with dnspy and C# in general. I was hinted that that I can edit the decompiled source and compile it back then.

- I was able to bypass the -20 y value check for gameover very easily (*HeightCheck.Update()*), but I found out the flags are hidden after the Scoreboards and I can't see them.
- I could disable gravity and jump towards both scoreboards while dashing: (*MoveBehaviour.MovementManagement*)
- This is not a very stable method and I always got stuck
- I can end up very high above and can't see the flags
- Sometimes I was lucky that I could move horizontally freely even after jumping away, I cannot repeat it

I finally disabled gravity and set the game to win at 1 round (*GameManager.IncreaseRound*). This way my height is will not be very large and the flag pieces are still visible. (the first image was mirrored)


P.S. I have to Save Module after Compiling the Class/Methods and select **Mixed mode**, otherwise the classes cannot be edited again. I'm not sure what that meant.

P.S.2. This challenge can be trivially solved by grepping `SEKAI` and finding the strings in `level0` - modding the game is much more enjoyable though.

Original writeup (https://github.com/RaccoonNinja/Project-SEKAI-CTF-2022-Writeups/blob/main/reverse/Perfect%20Match%20X-treme.md).