Rating: 5.0

# Inspect Element
## DONT inspect-element
### 50 points

> Our education game servers are now secure.
> They used to have flags on them, but we've made the website 100% secure now.
> All malicious hackers are now instructed, do not use inspect element on this page.
> Problemo solved!
> Navigate to our website: educashun-game.web.2022.sunshinectf.org/login.html and fetch what you need to fetch. 100% secure!

So, are you telling me that I cannot use inspect element? *challenge accepted*

Reviewing the [page source](view-source:https://educashun-game.web.2022.sunshinectf.org/login.html) we can easily get the flag as the text attribute of the first span element


Or else, if we really wanted to use inspect element, the "target" of this challenge is the white text at the right of the page heading



Original writeup (https://gist.github.com/SalScotto/d855c77d07907f9768656e64a27b6887).