Tags: exploit web curl 


# Headspace
## Web-Exploitation , Curl

##### Description
Question : http://bluehens-headspace.chals.io/ (No longer active)
Source : ```No-Long Link```
Author : JR

##### Approach:
- First i think to use the head protocol. But which is not respond.
- So i plan use the curl.
- first of all we got that we have to use flag.org as referer
curl -H "Referer: flag.org" https://bluehens-headspace.chals.io/
- response: Access Denied! You are not using a valid agent. Currently you are using: curl/7.80.0 Valid Agents: stealthmodeactive
- let's change our agent with -A option in curl
curl -A "stealthmodeactive" -H "Referer: flag.org" https://bluehens-headspace.chals.io/
- response: Hmmm you seem to be using the wrong protocol. This server could use a PATCH...
- ok we need to change the method to PATCH. in curl we do it with -X option
curl -X PATCH -A "stealthmodeactive" -H "Referer: flag.org" https://bluehens-headspace.chals.io/
- response: Nice! Hopefully you learned a thing or two about HTTP headers :) UDCTF{xxxxxxxxxx}
- Finally flag is gotted.

Original writeup (https://github.com/Sriraj151/CTF_Writeups/blob/main/2022/BlueHens_CTF_2022/Web/HeadSpace).