Tags: bruteforce reversing 


## Insomni'Hack Teaser 2023 - Artscii (Misc 200)
##### 21/01 - 22/01/2023 (24hr)

### Description:

*Can you generate a valid activation code ?*


### Solution

We start from `main`:
__int64 __fastcall main(int argc, char **argv, char **argp) {
/* ... */
v3 = std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(&std::cout, "Enter license: ");
std::ostream::operator<<(v3, &std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char>>);
lic_id = (char *)malloc(0x64uLL);
if ( !lic_id )
std::istream::getline((std::istream *)&std::cin, lic_id, 100LL);
// check if license contains colon ':'
pos = strchr(lic_id, ':');
if ( pos ) {
// license contains a ':'. Split it
firstlen = (_DWORD)pos - (_DWORD)lic_id;
first = (char *)malloc((int)pos - (int)lic_id);
if ( !first )
strncpy(first, lic_id, firstlen);
liclen = strlen(lic_id);
second = (char *)malloc(liclen - firstlen - 1);
liclen_ = strlen(lic_id);
strncpy(second, &lic_id[firstlen + 1], liclen_ - firstlen - 1);
u_myobj_ctor(&myobj, first, second);
// verify the first part of the hash
if ( u_sha1_hash_first_n_compare(&myobj, first, v6)
&& (v7 = std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(&std::cout, "License identifier correct"),
std::ostream::operator<<(v7, &std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char>>),
u_verify_license(&myobj)) ) {
v8 = std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(
"You can activate your license with the following code: ");
v9 = std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(v8, second);
std::ostream::operator<<(v9, &std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char>>);
} else {
// verification successful. Generate a license for the second part
u_string_ctor_maybe((__int64)a1, (__int64)lic_id, (__int64)lic_id);
u_gen_usr_specific_lic_code((__int64)v21, (__int64)a1);
std::string::operator=(v20, v21);
v10 = std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(
"You can activate your license with the following code: ");
v11 = std::operator<<<char>(v10, v20);
std::ostream::operator<<(v11, &std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char>>);
} else {
// license doesn't contain a ':'
u_string_ctor_maybe((__int64)&myobj, (__int64)lic_id, (__int64)lic_id);
u_gen_usr_specific_lic_code((__int64)a1, (__int64)&myobj);
std::string::operator=(v20, a1);
v12 = std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(&std::cout, "You can activate your license with the following code: ");
v13 = std::operator<<<char>(v12, v20);
std::ostream::operator<<(v13, &std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char>>);
/* ... */

Function reads a license and check if it contains a colon `:`. If so it splits it into
**2** parts and verifies them independently. Output message are kinda misleading as
it's not clear if the right path was followed or not.

We start with the first part: Function `u_sha1_hash_first_n_compare` simply checks
if the **SHA1** checksum of the first part of the license matches with
`7951276d108732f685ad39766351430a193de32d`. To find which string gives this specific
hash, we use [crackstation](https://crackstation.net/):
7951276d108732f685ad39766351430a193de32d sha1 anakin

So the license should start with `anakin:`.

Then there's function `u_gen_usr_specific_lic_code` that generates a valid license
code. However, this function is a decoy and it's not used to compute the flag.
The license is verified inside `u_verify_license`. Let's focus on the most important
bool __fastcall u_verify_license(my_struct *myobj) {
/* ... */
for ( j = 0; j <= 2; ++j ) {
start_time = std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::now((std::chrono::_V2::system_clock *)p_a5);
a5 = (__int64)&second[j];
a3 = (__int64)myobj;
// spawn threads with fptrs in myobj
u_spawn_threads((__int64)&a1, (char *)myobj + 16 * j, (__int64)&a3, (__int64)&second[16 * j + 3], (__int64)&a5;;
std::thread::operator=((std::thread *)((char *)v18 + 8 * j), (std::thread *const)&a1;;
std::thread::~thread((std::thread *const)&a1;;
a3 = std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::now((std::chrono::_V2::system_clock *)&a1;;
a1 = u_ignore_me_1((__int64)&a3, (__int64)&start_time);
a5 = u_ignore_me_2((__int64)&a1;;
p_a5 = (__int64)&a5;
if ( u_ignore_me_3((__int64)&a5) > 800 )
return 0;

for ( k = 0; k <= 2; ++k )
std::thread::join((std::thread *)((char *)v18 + 8 * k));

/* ... */

Function takes as input a special object (we call it `my_struct`) which is initialized in
`u_myobj_ctor` as follows:
void __fastcall u_myobj_ctor(my_struct *a1, char *a2, char *a3) {
a1->fptr1 = u_thread_routine_1;
a1->field_8 = 0LL;
a1->fptr2 = u_thread_routine_2;
a1->field_18 = 0LL;
a1->fptr3 = u_thread_routine_3;
a1->field_28 = 0LL;
a1->field_30 = 0;
a1->str_second = a3;
a1->str_first = a2;

The important part here are the **3** `fptr*` fields that contain function pointers.
Going back to `u_verify_license`, we see it invokes `u_spawn_thread` and a function
pointer is passed as input parameter:
void __fastcall u_spawn_thread(__int64 a1, void *a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5) {
/* ... */
v5 = (tcmalloc::Span *)operator new(0x30uLL);
v6 = sub_55555555BC5C(a5);
v7 = sub_55555555BC4E(a4);
v8 = sub_55555555BC40(a3);
v9 = sub_55555555BC32((__int64)a2);
sub_55555555BC84(v5, v9, v8, v7, v6);
tcmalloc::TList<tcmalloc::Span>::prepend((tcmalloc::TList<tcmalloc::Span> *const)v13, v5);
std::thread::_M_start_thread(a1, v13, 0LL);
std::unique_ptr<tcmalloc::tcmalloc_internal::AllocationProfilingTokenBase>::~unique_ptr((std::unique_ptr<tcmalloc::tcmalloc_internal::AllocationProfilingTokenBase> *const)v13);

That is, program spawns **3** threads to verify the license code.

#### Verify License Code: Thread #1

The verification in the first thread is actually very simple:
void __fastcall u_thread_routine_1(__int64 a1, const char *a2, _BYTE *a3) {
/* ... */
strcpy(key1, "rev_insomnihack");
v8[0] = 0x5C401C2F24252B3BLL;
v8[1] = 0x5B272A0B5D2C32LL;
xored = xor_with_expansion(a2, key1);
v3 = strlen(a2);
if ( v3 == strlen(key1) )
for ( i = 0LL; i < strlen(a2); ++i )
if ( xored[i] != *((_BYTE *)v8 + i) )
*a3 = 0;
*a3 = 1;

The key `rev_insomnihack` is XORed with a random key and it's compared against the input.
We XOR the **2** keys and we get the first part of the flag:
A = b'rev_insomnihack'
B = b'\x3B\x2B\x25\x24\x2F\x1C\x40\x5C\x32\x2C\x5D\x0B\x2A\x27\x5B'
C = ''.join(chr(a ^ b) for a, b in zip(A, B))

`C` is `INS{Fr33_B4cKD0`.

#### Verify License Code: Thread #2

Verification in the second thread is more complicated:
void __fastcall u_thread_routine_2(__int64 a1, char *a2, _BYTE *a3) {
*a3 = a2[7] - a2[8] == -2
&& a2[8] + *a2 + a2[10] == 264
&& a2[5] == a2[13] + a2[4] - 89
&& a2[12] == 95
&& a2[12] - *a2 == 47
&& a2[4] == a2[1] - 19
&& a2[14] - a2[13] - a2[2] == -28
&& *a2 + a2[7] + a2[8] == 248
&& a2[8] - a2[11] + *a2 == 48
&& a2[3] - a2[14] == -11
&& a2[12] + a2[6] - a2[8] == 99
&& a2[9] - a2[4] == 15
&& a2[6] + a2[12] - *a2 == a2[1] + 38
&& a2[2] == a2[9] + 54 - a2[4]
&& a2[2] == a2[9] - 41
&& a2[9] + *a2 + *a2 + a2[5] == a2[10] + 167;

Here we have a set of linear equations. We use an SMT solver to
find the correct solution: `0rEd_License_Fo`.

#### Verify License Code: Thread #3

Verification in the last thread uses SHA1 checksums:
void __fastcall u_thread_routine_3(__int64 a1, _BYTE *a2, _BYTE *a3) {
/* ... */
key1 = 0;
LOBYTE(key1) = *a2;
key2 = 0;
v10 = 0;
key2 = *(_WORD *)a2;
key3 = 0;
LOWORD(key3) = *(_WORD *)a2;
BYTE2(key3) = a2[2];
key4 = 0;
v13 = 0;
key4 = *(_DWORD *)a2;
key5 = 0;
v15 = 0;
key5 = *(_DWORD *)a2;
LOBYTE(v15) = a2[4];
memset(key6, 0, sizeof(key6));
/* ... */
key14[8] = a2[8];
key14[9] = a2[9];
key14[10] = a2[10];
key14[11] = a2[11];
key14[12] = a2[12];
key14[13] = a2[13];
key15 = 0LL;
v29 = 0LL;
key15 = *(_QWORD *)a2;
LODWORD(v29) = *((_DWORD *)a2 + 2);
WORD2(v29) = *((_WORD *)a2 + 6);
BYTE6(v29) = a2[14];
*a3 = 1;
u_sha1_init_str((__int64)sha1, (__int64)a2, (__int64)a3);
u_str_ctor_maybe2((__int64)v6, (__int64)&key5, (__int64)&v4;;
u_sha1_update((__int64)sha1, (__int64)v6);
u_sha1_final((__int64)v5, (__int64)sha1);
if ( std::operator!=<JsonBox::Value,JsonBox::Value const&,JsonBox::Value const*>(
(const std::_Deque_iterator<JsonBox::Value,const JsonBox::Value&,const JsonBox::Value*> *const)v5,
(const std::_Deque_iterator<JsonBox::Value,const JsonBox::Value&,const JsonBox::Value*> *const)"a948b24c8ba4ae4f14b529b599601fd53a155994") )
*a3 = 0;
u_str_ctor_maybe2((__int64)v6, (__int64)&key15, (__int64)&v4;;
u_sha1_update((__int64)sha1, (__int64)v6);
u_sha1_final((__int64)v6, (__int64)sha1);
std::string::operator=(v5, v6);
if ( std::operator!=<JsonBox::Value,JsonBox::Value const&,JsonBox::Value const*>(
(const std::_Deque_iterator<JsonBox::Value,const JsonBox::Value&,const JsonBox::Value*> *const)v5,
(const std::_Deque_iterator<JsonBox::Value,const JsonBox::Value&,const JsonBox::Value*> *const)"a048299abe57311eacc14f1f3b4cdbfaf481f688") )
*a3 = 0;
/* ... */
u_str_ctor_maybe2((__int64)v6, (__int64)&key8, (__int64)&v4;;
u_sha1_update((__int64)sha1, (__int64)v6);
u_sha1_final((__int64)v6, (__int64)sha1);
std::string::operator=(v5, v6);
if ( std::operator!=<JsonBox::Value,JsonBox::Value const&,JsonBox::Value const*>(
(const std::_Deque_iterator<JsonBox::Value,const JsonBox::Value&,const JsonBox::Value*> *const)v5,
(const std::_Deque_iterator<JsonBox::Value,const JsonBox::Value&,const JsonBox::Value*> *const)"b03da51041b519b7c12da6cc968bf1bc26de307c") )
*a3 = 0;

What does this function do? It takes the first character of the license code and
computes its SHA1 checksum and compares it against `06576556d1ad802f247cad11ae748be47b70cd9c`
(the order is random).
If it doesn't match it sets `*a3 = 0` and function fails. Otherwise it takes the first **2**
characters from the license code, generates their SHA1 checksum and compares the result with
`e54a31693bcb9bf00ca2a26e0801404d14e68ddd`, and so on.

We can easily brute-force the last part of the flag character by character (we try all
character until the generated hash matches with the desired one:

So, the final flag is: `INS{Fr33_B4cKD00rEd_License_FoR_3vEry0ne_FFS}`

We verify it:
ispo@ispo-glaptop2:~/ctf/insomnihack_2022/License$ ./license-3321c4ba9df5aa508a14ba410bba4d87aa7735d2ed75ad6f6b6c361eb245ecfe
Enter license:
License identifier correct
Your provided license: INS{Fr33_B4cKD00rEd_License_FoR_3vEry0ne_FFS}
You can activate your license with the following code: INS{Fr33_B4cKD00rEd_License_FoR_3vEry0ne_FFS}

For more details please take a look at the [license_crack.py](./license_crack.py) file.


Original writeup (https://github.com/ispoleet/ctf-writeups/tree/master/insomnihack_2023/License).